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Level 1 Aka Dua- Quantum Healing & Consciousness Technology Level 1 through 5

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AKA DUA - Quantum Healing & Consciousness Technology

I am an Aka Dua Level 5 and offering the attunement to all five levels.

The Aka Dua is essentially an energetic technology and tool for spiritual awakening and attainment of a higher level of consciousness - think who am I, what am I, and why am I here. And yes, it is as well an extraordinary tool for self-healing and the healing of others, opening one’s access to higher level energies from within the Quantum Field. It is much different from any other available modalities, because it works and evolves with you, brings forward and elevates your personal gifts, helps create harmony within your life, and is much more potent and expansive - used on its own, and to enhance healing, creativity, or spiritual work that you have already put into practice.

The Aka Dua is accessible to anyone with a sincere desire to positively affect the lives of others!

You can choose to complete only Aka Dua Levels 1 and 2, which is perfect for those who wish to become an energy healing practitioner, If you are a practitioner within another healing methodology or tradition, the Aka Dua will enhance the level of your practice and take it to the next level!


Beyond Level 3, there is more focused attention and disciplined practice towards your own spiritual evolution. Each subsequent level is a quantum leap forward.

The Aka Dua can facilitate profound changes on all levels of your being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and can significantly alter consciousness when working with it within meditation and spiritual practices, and throughout creative processes.

Testimonials from Qi Gong Masters, Reiki practitioners, Massage Therapists, Artists, Musicians, and healthcare professionals have stated that receiving the Aka Dua significantly boosted the level of their practice by intensifying the energetic aspect of their work, heightening their level of intuition, elevating the level of their creativity and flow, and offering an enhancement to their current techniques and treatments protocols. Personally, I have experienced profound healing and spiritual transformation that I directly attribute to my work with the Aka Dua.


The words AKA DUA are Egyptian and defined as “unity uttermost shown”, and it is a physical substance with energetic properties that emanates a field of energy.

It is this “field of energy” that you feel and utilize once you have received an Aka Dua transmission, and not the substance itself. This ancient shamanic energy current is said to originate from the time of the legendary Atlanteans, and would be found within the oldest Egyptian rituals, and the time of Ce Acatl, the last king of the Toltecs who was the incarnation of Quetzalcoatl. He was exiled in 965 AD and sent his priests and priestesses to teach people secretly in small groups, first teaching only nobility.


Following this Toltec lineage, they continued passing on this information in small groups and always in secret throughout the continents. Each civilization had a fragment of this energy. No one particular group had the substance in its entirety. The Toltecs who have lived in hiding all these centuries maintain a rich stock of legends and stories about the Aka Dua and its origins.

What is now called the AKA DUA, was known as “The Power”.


According to the Toltec legends, the Aka Dua began one-seventh part of an Atlantean alchemical substance called Sro. The Sro was a substance intended to promote evolution, which was the Atlantean’s main preoccupation. One of the differences in regard to other healing techniques, is that the Aka Dua was purified and refined for thousands of years, specifically to assist our alchemical transformation and ease planetary transition. In 2007, after being hidden deliberately for 1000 years, Koyote the Blind, a Toltec Nahual, released it to the public.


The Aka Dua consists of five levels available on this planet, out of seven possible levels. The first three levels are accessible to the ordinary individual. Level Four is only available to those who have attained a certain degree of spiritual evolution.

The Aka Dua is expressed in seven distinct vibrational frequencies: Solar (including Solar Jaguar), Lunar, Atmospheric, Volcanic, Oceanic, Obsidian, and Unnamed.

Aka Dua Level 1 - Level 1 is reached when the recipient takes a transmission of the Aka Dua substance. The Aka Dua becomes a part of the recipient’s body. The Aka Dua Level One recipient usually has access to one or two of the Aka Dua vibrational frequencies.

Aka Dua Level 2 - Level 2 is reached when the recipient receives an Attunement that allows him or her to individually access all 7 vibrational frequencies of the Aka Dua.

Aka Dua Level 3 Master - Level 3 is an initiation and quantum up-leveling, opening the recipient’s ability to combine the 7 vibrational frequencies of the Aka Dua.

Aka Dua Level 4 Adept – Right now you can be attuned to level 4 bringing in a deeper integration of the AKA DUA energies. Prior to 2017, Level 4 was received through an extended initiation period lasting approximately 1 year.

Aka Dua Level 5 High Adept - Level 5 is an advanced level of spiritual and energetic evolution.



Like the Mayans, the Toltecs use calendars that follow the natural cycles. The largest cycle in the Toltec and Mayan calendars spans 26,000 years. The Aka Dua is important because it was designed specifically for use at the end of the current 26,000-year cycle, which ended in 2012. It has since then begun an evolutionary process that is unprecedented, and quite powerful!



Someone who has the Aka Dua simply forms an intent to activate it from within and send it. The Aka Dua, which is a physical and palpable force, can be sent via the hands, eyes, heart, or even through one’s entire auric field to the target, whether that is a person or an object.

The sub-types of Aka Dua behave differently in range, feeling, and effect, and affect the physical and subtle bodies in different ways such as enlivening and empowering healing, art and other creative processes, spiritual development, and any other activity. Through intention, each frequency can be dynamically modulated - rate, vibration, temperature, and so on, creating an unlimited spectrum of available options. Best of all, the Aka Dua allows you to be YOU.

Working at higher levels with the Aka Dua has opened many Adepts to bring through extraordinary new technologies, methodologies, knowledge and information.

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