UNIVERSAL Defragmentation Recalibration Sequences set 1-73-
This is universal level and done in a two step process.
Every clearing has two meditations.
It has always been a great mystery to me that I clear so much in myself and I have great shielding and yet it seems that there is always more debris to clear out. I have been working intensely with a healer who works on recalibrating people’s energy fields so that the energetic doorways, openings, portals and gateways on the planetary, solar, galactic and universal levels across time, space, dimensions, angles, directions and vectors, etc. are closed down.
I have felt a huge difference from this work. I created a whole line of sessions called Clearing the Energetic Spaces to go after these areas at the causal level.
I asked GOD if there was any way that I could incorporate some of this work into Practical Mastery™ and I was shown that I could add some Defragmentation Recalibration Sequences into the modality to go after things at the effect level.
It is a three step process really. For example, if you wanted to run the Practical Mastery™Defragmentation and Recalibration Sequences for your aura and electromagnetic energy field, initially GOD and your God Self scan the energetic spaces of your aura and electromagnetic energy field for energetic gaps and anything and everything that is not divine ideally aligned with the evolution of your being at that time.
Then after all the energetic gaps and misaligned points in the aura and electromagnetic energy field are identified, GOD and your God Self would then defrag your aura (closing the energetic gaps) and then recalibrate everything to align it with your divine ideal evolution of being.
1. Aura and Electro-Magnetic Energy Field
2. Brains/Minds/Neuronets
3. Cellular Memory
4. Chakras, Meridians, Nadis and All Other Energetic Systems
5. DNA-RNA-Genetic Codes
6. Ego/Negative Ego Programming
7. Emotional Body
8. Genetic Archives, Imprints, Memories and Holograms
9. Inner Child/Wounded Inner Children
10. Mental Body
11. Over Soul and Over Soul Matrix
12. Pain Bodies
13. Past Life Archives, Imprints, Memories and Holograms
14. Personality (includes sub, multiple and split)
15. Quantum Field, Parts and Particles
16. Random Inner Dialog/Negative Self Talk
17. Soul and Soul Matrix
Spiritual and Light Bodies