SunGazing, eat less, heal yourself and more
A friend of mine brought this to my attention this week and since we are working on so many things but a lot of times forget the physical body, this is a way to allow the physical body to catch up faster to all the energy work we do as well.
Now, I am not a person that likes to get up early so the morning sunrise, the safest time to start the sun gazing is out for me, at the end of the say would be a possibility but there is not always sun, so that one is not as easy as well.
The purpose of sun gazing is to bring in all the healing properties of the rays of the sun into the physical body.
According to “The HRM method of safe sungazing”, it takes about 3 months to get the full spectrum, this is done with starting with 10 seconds the first day and adding 10 seconds to that each day until you have reached the 15 minutes of sungazing in three months.
This is not a new process; it has been practiced for millions of years, just think of the Egyptian worshipping the sun. The Laika daykeepers would call in the sun each morning and ask the sun to go down in the evening.
Now as I have explained this, the problems we actually encounter physically, there is also a way to do this spiritually.
I have asked the masters to help setup a way that would allow us to get the same benefits of physical sun gazing, but in a spiritual way.
They told me it could be done with a meditation once a week, where we spiritually tune into the frequencies and receive them physically. I asked if we would be able to do it all in one meditation though as I like everything fast, the answer I got was that it would be possible, but the physical body would not be able to integrate everything at once, as well as that if we do it once a week, we can adjust the process along the way to the physical and energy bodies.
I have setup a new workshop to receive these benefits of sun gazing through spiritual interaction with the sun.
We are having a workshop each Tuesday, at 9:30 PM EDT, I know for many it is hard to be there each week, but you can download the meditation each week from our website and do it in your own time.
You only have to do the meditation once a week, but you can do it once a day if you like to do so. And you can of course always use the physical method when you have the time to do this. We will explain more about that in our first workshop.
The first section of the Sungazing experience is three months or 13 weeks, 1 meditation each week until we have integrated all the healing properties of the solar function and rays.
Many people experience a reduction in their appetite/less hunger, and/or more joy in their lives after sungazing. Some are able to subsist more and more on light as they expand their practice of sungazing, from days, weeks, or even months at a time without eating regular food and/or no food. This is but one reason why some people sungaze. Most people, however, sungaze for the sheer joy of it, the increased eye strength/health, the greater tolerance to light, the lessening of stress, and alleviation of multiple physical ailments so common in our modern day world.
This methodology is simply the rebirth of a science that was commonly practiced by the priests, priestesses, and shamans/cuanderos of long ago. In ancient times, it was a universal spiritual practice. Now it has become a fusion of the ancient spiritual practice as well as a modern scientific practice. Anyone can follow the HRM sungazing method.