The Twelve Rays for Cosmic Ascension complete set
This is a Complete set The Twelve Rays for Cosmic Ascension. You will receive 12 Mp3 meditations
The Twelve Rays for Cosmic Ascension spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
Overlighted by the Twelve Directors at a Multi-Universal level.
They move through each preceding dimension until they enter our solar system.
Furthermore, during the first Harmonic Convergence, between August 15-17, 1987. And the unprecedented Light activities experienced at this time. Six Cosmic rays were partially anchored onto the earth plane through the Overlighting of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis.
At this time, a Galactic portal through this quadrant of the Galaxy was reopened. Which allowed the six Cosmic rays to come pouring forth onto the Earth plane. The six Cosmic rays, which were withdrawn just prior to the Fall of Atlantis. Are Service rays. and were not completely anchored onto the Earth until April 23, 1994.
These Cosmic rays hold the highest quotient of Source Light
These Cosmic rays hold the highest quotient of Source Light. They are a combination of all twelve rays through the appropriate co-creative Councils of Twelve. With an additional focus on one or more of these rays, brought about through the appropriate Monadic modules at each dimensional level.
In other words, there is a collective Higher Light focus at each dimensional level on one or more of the rays. Which in this system of energy, is represented by the fourth to the ninth dimensions.
The first Cosmic ray, for example, is a combination of all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom. Which creates the thirteenth ray of Solar Service.
The second Cosmic ray, the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service, is a combination of all twelve rays with a Monadic focus on the eighth ray of Transcendence, and so on.
The Cosmic rays can best be understood as a bridge
The Cosmic rays can best be understood as a bridge between the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy. Represented by the Ascended Masters, Overlighted by Lord Buddha and Sanat Kumara, the Archangels and Mighty Elohim, and the Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy.
Represented in this instance primarily by Christed ET’s, and the Order of Melchizedek. Who have been involved in the forward evolution of Humanity for eons of time.
The Cosmic rays bring with it the ability to integrate aspects of our multidimensional Selves, and further to this, allow us to step into the infinite and eternal Now through the understanding of our true Immortal nature.
While it is good to have a basic understanding
While it is good to have a basic understanding of the rays. Return to Original Innocence has more of a focus on the related Higher Self.
Of the Light through the particular planet or star it embodies or Overlights.
The key to the integration of each Higher Self of the Light comes through going on a journey with the archetypes. The archetypes related to the ray energy of that planet or star. And integrating the magical images, and symbols related to each ray, while clearing energetically on all levels.
This program allows you to heal your Cosmic wounds through many of the psycho-energetic techniques offered in each guided visualization.
Integrating the archetypes and bring through many of the multidimensional gifts related to each Higher Self.
We do not work with all the rays
What you will also find is that we do not work with all the rays, although you are given an opportunity to integrate all the rays.
This is simply that that we only have twelve Higher Selves of the Light, making up our Christed Overself of the Light. As each Higher Self travels through a particular planet or star related to one or more of the rays. We work with our Higher Selves through the energy matrix of the appropriate ray, rather than focusing on the ray itself.
Much of the information on the rays is presented from a Qabalistic and magical perspective. Particularly from Jacob’s Ladder and a new energy system called Jacob’s Ladder II. In which we gain a better understanding of how the rays are related to the spheres or Sephiroth (orbs of Light) in the Tree of Life.
First ray of Will and Power – Alpha Centauri
In this guided visualization, you are going to travel to the etheric of Alpha Centauri.
Which holds the predominate energy signature of the first ray of Will and Power through the Alpha Centaurian Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
You will be assisted by your Alpha Centaurian Higher Self of the Light,
This process will clear any issues related to abuse and misuse of power as you find the symbols related to this ray.
And through this, embody the associated magical images.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in Alpha Centauri.
Where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray.
You will take back your power and step into a deeper level of trust, surrender and union with the Divine.
Second Ray of Love-Wisdom – Venus
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of Venus.
You will journey with the appropriate archetypes of this ray to find the related symbols.
And through this, embody the associated magical images.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in Venus, where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray,.
Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve on Venus.
Archangels Jophiel and Constance, Haniel and Tzadkiel, Elohim Apollo and Lumina and Master Kuthumi, Chohan associated with this ray.
You will integrate these second ray qualities.
This will actualize the ray of Love-Wisdom within your body, energy field and hologram.
You will activate your key codes for ascension and resurrection and surrender yourself to unconditional love.
Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict – Lyra
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of the Lyra constellation.
Which holds the energy of the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict.
You will meet and journey with the archetypes related to this ray to find the appropriate symbols.
And embody the magical images associated with this ray.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in Lyra, where you will merge with the archetypes to this ray.
Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve on Lyra, and the Chohan Paul the Venetian, the Master to this ray.
You will integrate these fourth ray qualities.
In so doing, actualize the ray of Harmony through Conflict within your body, energy field and hologram.
You will come more fully into purity and grace enabling the creative unfolding of your sacred contract.
Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge – Arcturus
In this guided visualization, you are going to travel the etheric of Arcturus.
Which holds the energy signature of the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge through the Arcturian Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
With the assistance of your Arcturian Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge.
And Overlighted by Chohan Hilarion, Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Khamuel, and Elohim Cyclopeia and Virginia.
You find the symbols related to this ray.
Through this you will embody the magical image associated with this ray, that of the hermaphrodite.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat on Arcturus.
Where you will merge with the archetypes to this ray.
You will clear earthly ego allurements and cosmic karmic patterns and activate the energy of the alchemist at a cellular level.
Ninth Ray of Highest Potentials – Chiron
In this guided visualization, you are going to travel to the etheric of Chiron.
Which holds the predominate energy signature of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials through the Chiron Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
With the assistance of your Chiron Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to ninth ray of Highest Potentials.
Overlighted by Mary Mother, Archangels Raziel and Tzadkiel, and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
You will align yourself to your original eight-cell blueprint with the focus on purpose through joy, as you find the symbols of the tower and tetrahedron.
Ffurther embodying the magical images and archetypes associated with this ray.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in Chiron, where you will merge with the archetypes to this ray.
And your Chiron Higher Self of the Light.
You will become the creative extension of the higher mind, manifesting creations of light in alignment with divine will.
Tenth Ray of Divinity – Pleiades
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of the Pleiades constellation.
Which holds the collective energy of the tenth ray of Divinity.
Guided by your Pleiadian Higher Self of the Light, who embodies these qualities in their highest attributes.
You will meet and journey with the archetypes related to this ray to find the appropriate symbols.
And you will embody the associated magical images.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of the Pleiades constellation.
Where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray as well as your Pleiadian Higher Self of the Light.
And further actualize these ray qualities.
Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve in the etheric of the Pleiades, and the Chohan Allah Gobi, the Master to this ray.
You will integrate these tenth ray qualities.
In so doing, actualize the tenth ray of Divinity within your body, energy field and hologram.
Any remaining bands of forgetfulness will be lifted as you integrate your I AM presence and experience the immortal aspect of your nature.
Eleventh Ray of Illumined Truth – Meldek
In this guided visualization, you are going to travel to the etheric of Meldek.
Which holds the energy signature of the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth through the Meldekian Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
With the assistance of your Meldekian Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth.
Overlighted by Lady Quan Yin, Archangel Zadkiel, and the Brotherhood of the Light, you find the symbol related to this ray, the chalice.
Through this you will embody the associated magical image of a mature woman, a matron.
Following this, you will be taken to the Ascension Seat on Meldek.
Where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray and your Meldekian Higher Self of the Light.
You will etherically reactivate the DNA for the expression of your immortal nature and the cellular regeneration of your physical body.
Integration of the eleventh ray will enable you to express your spiritual reality with increased discernment and abundance.
Thirteenth Ray of Solar Service – Antares
In this guided visualization, you are going to travel to the etheric of Antares.
Which holds the energy signature of the thirteenth ray of Solar Service through the Antarian Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
With the assistance of your Antarian Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to thirteenth ray of Solar Service.
Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Sandalphon.
You find the symbols related to this ray, that of the pyramid, magical circle and sandals.
Following this, you will embody the magical images. Those of a young woman, crowned and veiled, a beautiful, strong, naked man, a majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed god.
You will then be taken to the Ascension Seat on Antares.
Where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray as well as your Antarian Higher Self of the Light.
You will activate your solar axiatonal lines and merge with your fourth dimensional selves.
Experiencing unification with all life in this solar system.
Fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service – Alcyone
In this guided visualization, you will travel in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of Alcyone.
Guided by your Alcyone Higher Self of the Light and the appropriate archetypes.
You will to find the symbols related to this ray, that of the perfumes, the lamen, and the empty room.
Following this, you will embody the magical images associated with this ray.
A beautiful, strong, naked man, a majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed god and a great figure of god seated on a throne.
You will then be taken to the Ascension Seat in Alcyone.
Where you will merge with the archetypes to this ray, and your Alcyone Higher Self of the Light.
Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve on Alcyone.
Overlighted by Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael, and the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Chohans to this ray.
You will further integrate these fourteenth ray qualities.
And in so doing, actualize the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service within your body, energy field and hologram.
You will activate your interstellar axiatonal lines, merge with your fifth dimensional selves and activate your immortal genes more deeply.
Fifteenth ray of Galactic Service – Sirius
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of Sirius.
Which holds the collective energy signature of the fifteenth ray of Galactic Service.
Guided by your Sirian Higher Self of the Light, who embodies these qualities in their highest attributes.
You will meet and journey with the archetypes related to this ray to find the appropriate symbols.
And furthermore, embody the magical images associated with this ray.
Following this, you will be taken to the Great White Lodge on Sirius.
For a deeper understanding of your Service work as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light.
You will then journey to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of Sirius.
Where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray as well as your Sirian Higher Self of the Light.
Surrounded by the Co-Creative Council of Twelve in the etheric of Sirius.
Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and Archangels Tzadkiel, Chamuel and Michael.
You will further integrate the fifteenth ray qualities.
And in so doing, actualize the fifteenth ray of Galactic Service within your body, energy field and hologram.
You energetically re-connect with your twin ray, metatronic consciousness and the spiritual – scientific teachings of the Great White Lodge.
Sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service – Andromeda
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of Andromeda.
Which holds the collective energy signature of the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service.
Guided by your Andromedan Higher Self of the Light, you will meet and journey with the archetypes of the sage, mediator and judge.
To find the symbols to this ray.
And furthermore, embody the associated magical images.
Following this, you will head to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of Andromeda.
Where you will merge with these archetypes as well as your Andromedan Higher Self of the Light.
Surrounded by the Andromedan Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
The Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light, and Archangels Haniel, Tzadkiel and Raziel.
You will further integrate the sixteenth ray qualities.
And in so doing, actualize the sixteenth ray of Intergalactic Service within your body, energy field and hologram.
You will activate your intergalactic axiatonal lines and merge with your seventh dimensional selves.
You will also be placed in a Metatronic Science Chamber for an accelerated download of light packets of information.
Seventeenth ray of Universal Service – Orion
In this guided visualization, you will journey in your Divine Body of Light to the etheric of Orion.
Which holds the collective energy signature of the seventeenth ray of Universal Service.
Through the overlighting of Lord Melchizedek and the Brotherhood of the Light.
Lord Metatron, Lord Michael and Archangels Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael.
Guided by your Orion Higher Self of the Light, you will meet and journey with the archetypes of the healer and mentor.
To find the symbols to this ray, and furthermore, embody the associated magical images.
You will then head to the Ascension Seat in the etheric of Orion.
Where you will be placed in a 12 Strand DNA Activation Chamber of Light.
Following this, you will merge with these archetypes as well as your Orion Higher Self of the Light.
From there you will activate your universal axiatonal lines and merge with your eighth dimensional selves.
You will then be taken to a sacred Prism of White Light, which holds the energy signatures of all twelve of your Higher Selves and the related rays.
And you will be surrounded in a beautiful diamond ray, the Eighteenth Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness.
As you merge with your Beloved I Am Presence.
The ray qualities of transcendence, unlimited potentiality, illumined truth, divinity, pure beingness.
Melchizedek Consciousness, the infinite Now, formlessness, timelessness, completion of great work.
Unconditional Love, infinite expansiveness and great wisdom, Multi-Universal Service.
You will have the experience of becoming the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
This will be anchored and activated through your ninth dimensional portal, 24 feet above the crown chakra.
Through the merging with your twelve Higher Selves of the Light.
You will experience the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through the energy of your Christed Overself of the Light.
And your Beloved I Am Presence.
This is the Highest Light that you will ever be able to experience.