Ascension series with Amen Ra
Ascension series with Amen Ra
This first powerful activation with Amen Ra will bring in the Cosmic Christ Consciousness into everyone on the call and a powerful initiation within the Queens Chamber. Amen Ra, Isis and Osiris, Akhenaton, the Priests of UR and Lords of Light will all be working together on this series.
These activations will assist those on the ascension path further increasing their light quotient that your body carries, remembering your abilities from Egyptian times and sacred information.
Ascension Series - Amen Ra
1. Initiation in the Sarcophagus in the Queens Chamber in the Great Pyramid and Cosmic Christ Consciousness
2. Initiation with the Liquid Light Transmission of DNA
3. Initiation with the Living Library of Light
4. Initiation with the Flower of Life
5. Activation with the Elixir of Life
6. Initiation with the Temple of Immortality and Temple of the Sun
7. Initiation into the Amen Ra Light and transmuting
8. Initiation in the Sarcophagus in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid and awakening of your Creator Goddess God within