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Everyone is my channel.

Because I am the soul within souls.

Because I love everyone of you.

Because I don't consider it a burden, but a naturel activity of my knowing how happy these people will be when they again feel the bliss and joy and sudden fast nuances of feeling.

As the Divine races through them

Which means consciousness reunion with my beloved.

In my work, which is really not separate from my other work.

It is all one wave within Divine source, all the levels of creation.

I am also absorbed in my father and in brotherhood with

other great ones.

I say I channel through everyone because my energy,

my feeling, my consciousness is everywhere.

Everything is born in Unity

And all consist continually in Unity.

Unity is perfect safety an oneness in God and everywhere.

I ask each and everyone of you into the fold of my heart.

None are excluded from the overall energy of my expressions and consciousness.

Because exclusion is not the way.

I will not have it.

Unity with God is an inner experiences.

it is an unquestionable peace and allegiance to reality's far beyond

the limited expectations of man.

What it can feel like to be, to exist in the human body.

As these are " The Latter Times"

Everyone should expect a heightening of awareness.

We work with everyone.

I wish to introduce a higher perception within the minds of all man.

As this is the wish of my father and my heart.

Everyone's answer is available in my heart.

My heart is not separate from anything.

My mission is to move you beyond the experience of separateness.


Love Sananda

May 28, 2005