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Aware or not aware, awake or not awake?

Aware or not aware, awake or not awake?

I am Sananda, and I have come upon the ray of love and wisdom.

Today I would like to discuss the subject of being aware/awake. 

Or more or less aware/awake.

There are many light workers on earth at this time, all at a different point in their learning process.

So we have more aware/awake and less aware/awake people and everything in between.

Now what does it mean when someone says they are more aware/awake?

It only means they are at a different point in their process. But that is not all. During your studies, experiences and life lessons you encounter many truths.

Your experience with truth at this moment might not be your truth tomorrow. This is how fast it can change.

You can say you are more aware/awake when you experience another level of truth. But this is your truth. It is in no way the truth of someone else even though they might be less or more aware/awake.

So why do we call it more or less aware/awake?

It is part of the use of words still used in a third dimensional reality, duality thinking.

Many are trying to break out of this, but it is hard when you need to live in a third dimensional world.

I would like to explain a little bit more to give you more understanding of the process of stepping out of duality thinking.

We already spoke about everyone being at a different level in their process, people on earth like to sometimes call this more or less aware/awake.

No one can in fact say they are more aware/awake than others.


What do I mean by this?

There are many truths, and yes the more aware/awake you become, more of the truth will become available to you.

It still doesn’t mean that someone who is less aware/awake might not have the same truth.

Everyone has chosen their own path and is following it at their own pace and in their own way.

Some people might not be so called aware/awake and still have the same truth.

Many more truths are becoming available on the earth, the higher the frequency of the earth and the people upon it the more truths will become available, the more you will be able to discern the truth for yourself. And hear me say this, it is discern your truth, not the truth of others. And do not forget your truth today might not be your truth tomorrow.

Much of the information coming in through different channels is based upon this process as well.

The information coming in through channels might be even conflicting, simply because they are there for certain people and you might not be one of them.

One other thing very connected to duality thinking is the ego, the ego is the part of you that still cares if someone is more or less aware/awake. The ego still cares if it has a higher or lesser truth than others.

This is why I am focusing on this at this time. The ego is the part of you that keeps you in duality thinking and this is why we have been working on integrating the ego. To get you out of duality thinking.

At all times remind yourself you are on your path and you are at the perfect place at this time. Tomorrow you might find yourself at another place, this is a perfect place as well.


It is not about who is more or less aware/awake. It is not about who knows more or less.

The only thing that matters is that you are able to know your truth, and your truth is perfect for you. 

Then you are in the perfect place.

Your own place.



Channeled through Petra Margolis

July 7, 2008