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Blue Lotus Black Pearl Activations

The Blue Lotus 

is the symbol of victory of the spirit over the senses 

and signifies the wisdom and knowledge. 

It is the embodiment of perfection of wisdom 

and represents the wide open eyes of the awakened one.

The Black Pearl Activations.

There is a total of seven activations in the Black Pearl.

These activations activate our higher chakras, eight through twelve.

They activate all your DNA.

The activations will help open and clear your chakras eight through twelve.

And help with integrating these chakras into your physical body.

Every time you reach a new level more DNA will start working immediately.

So every time you reach a new level of frequency inside your physical body, your DNA is ready for it

The activation also helps in rasing the frequency of your physical body and spiritual bodies.

These activations are part of the ascension teachings.

All of you are working toward ascension and while doing that more and more chakras and DNA get activated. It’s a process connected to rasing the frequencies.

The Black Pearl was used during the mystery schools to speed up the process of opening and activating the chakras and DNA.

They were done during or before starting the mystery school depending upon the choice of the student.

You can call the Black Pearl a shortcut.

People attending mystery schools would attend several lifetimes before ascending.

They were able to come back every lifetime more conscious but still had to deal with the physical body.

As you know the physical body only has 7 chakras and 2 strands of DNA when you come in.

The Black Pearl started during the time of the Order of the Sphinx in Egypt.

Before that in Lemuria and Atlantis it was not needed since everyone had the chakras and DNA still in their physical body.

After the fall of Atlantis this was brought back to 7 chakras in the body and only 2 strands of DNA.

Since it does take some time to get all these chakras and DNA activated, usually several years, this shortcut was introduced to the more advanced students at first.

Later on also the new students were allowed to take the Black Pearl activations.

These activations work with fear, ego, light and dark energy, masculine and feminine energies, power, twin flames and twin souls and much more.

They were important subjects that were taught in the schools.

Usually a student would go through certain teachings and when the student was ready the activation was done.

Some of you have memories of these activations in the sarcophagus.

You all have connections to one mystery school and most of you have attended more than one.

You have done several of these activation during those times.

So why are we offering it separate from the mystery school teachings?

Many people are interested in the mystery school teachings but don’t have the time or sometimes courage to start.

Mystery schools in the old days meant being in school full-time.

Everyone attending the school would be living in the temples full-time as well.

Fully dedicated to learning the path of ascension.

In these days not many people have that chance. So all we can offer is the classes.

You all have connections to the mystery school and the teachings.

We would like for you to find those connections and bring back the connection into this life.

Bring back what you have learned.

That is why we have the mystery school right now.

To bring back what you have learned and to teach you all that you have not learned yet.

Time is going faster and faster.

All of you have different connections, so our job is to bring to you as many different aspects of the mystery schools as possible.

Different connections, different levels, different paces. 

All attracted to different teachings.

So different schools, different classes.

The Black Pearl activations can be done at any time, either separate of together with other teachings.

This is what is so important to us, all teachings lead you in the same direction, but since you are all different, there are different ways of learning provided.

It’s all depending upon your choice, your feeling, your connection with the teachings.

All that is important is that you have an open mind and intention to ascend.

And all we can do is offer you the tools to accomplish ascension.


High Priest of the Temple of Isis.