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Joshua David Stone

On Sunday April 27th I noticed someone different in my energy, He told me his name was Dr. Joshua David Stone. Now I know that name of course. 

I have never read any of his books and know little about his teachings except for what I have heard from others.

I was very surprised and asked him why he was here. He told me I had to order his books and read them. I did the same evening and they arrived today may 6th.

Now this message I got from him on April 29th but I felt I was not ready to sent it out.

This evening I had to go somewhere and while I was standing outside I was approached by a young man who started telling me what kind of work he did and if I knew someone that had work for him tomorrow.

He told me he was homeless and needed a job so he could buy some food.

I told him I didn’t know anyone that would have work for him.

I looked in my wallet and gave him 5 dollars. He looked at me completely surprised and I had to say he could take the money. He wouldn’t at first.

I wished him good luck and he said he liked my dress and how I was a nice redhead.

I drove home after that and in the car I realized he had told me his name was Joshua, when I arrived home I looked at the time on the stove and it said 11:11.

So this evening I think it is time to send out his message.

I know this message was more for me since I did have some doubt about all this. But the message I got tonight makes me go ahead and say I know it’s time and I am ready.

Dr. Joshua David Stone 4-29-08

Many of you know me and have followed the teachings I was given.

I have taught for a long time on earth, and my teaching are not finished.

At this moment, from where I stand right now, I have a better view then ever before.

I have chosen this channel to help me follow up on my teachings.

She herself was very surprised and has no knowledge of my previous teachings.

So bare with her and me while I bring her up to speed.

At this moment we are getting to know each other.

Since time is speeding up we are going to make some adjustments.

Many what was taught can be done faster then before.


I would like to bring you this information.

The Ascension teachings were my life and mission on earth and they still are.

We are working at full speed to get my channel up to date and fully informed.

Now why did I not choose a channel that is familiar with my teachings?

They were taught the old way.

Yes they can be taught the new way and they will.

But right now I need a channel that is completely open and willing to bring this out in a way that is new.

Some of my students have become great teachers. But many are going to ask if and how they know its really me Dr. Joshua David Stone. And why would he want to change the teachings?

This channel does not know anything about my teachings, and is not influenced by whom I was.

She has been working with all the masters on an equal basis, the people that know her, know she will address them as friends.

She has brought you many messages that have been somewhat controversial.

And this is what I need at this time, and I am grateful she has accepted me and is willing to help me.

So soon we will bring you new information and you will be able to go even faster then before.

Joshua David Stone