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I Know what you mean

I Know what you mean, I have noticed for myself that I am only in the game when I write that, I step out of it again after that, it’s part of my job to write and and try to wake people up. Reason for me to stay in that state sometimes. When I go into the void I know it’s all not there anymore. But at this time I also know that my mission is to wake those people up.

They have me go through those things at all times; I don’t really care for myself how it happens, just know I have to do it.


I just know that what we are doing right now in the human is something that has never been done before, the 144.000 flames is something that is used in the human world at this time, and there are many things that are only in this world. I also see the worlds around us. And I also see how it is used in those worlds.


They are real, just as real as our world can be at times.

I also see how everything is connected in a way, connected to us on earth. When you go into the void you step out of it, but that’s just for that time.

I see how universe after universe is there and connected to what is happening here. Yes if we go to the void we will say it does not matter.

But there are still people, other races in other universes inside or outside of us.


Once I started going into the Cosmic Heart of Mother Father God, and from there to God, or Source as I see it, I was seeing a way different picture.

I was shown the connection between all. And how that is being influenced in a way that does prevent many from reaching that space that you talk about where you know it’s a game but we are in this game and we have to complete it before we can move on.


Now I can just sit there and say it is a game, it will play out. It is in fact not even real, it’s just a game. That is what most people do.

But this world has been created by us; we are the ones that have to complete this creation.

Where does that leave us, we are not real, we are not even here. But we are here in a human body, if we are dreaming it or not.

Why are we doing all these things of going into higher frequencies, going into our light body at one point?

We created this world in spirit and made it real. Now we are going to say to all the souls that did have the courage to come to this planet. oh well you know it’s not real, it’s a game, and just leaving them with that, without any assistance of giving them the opportunity to reach the level we can reach and they can’t at this time.


They are stuck in this game and how are they going to be able to get out if they do not receive any guidance or help.

They are stuck in the human process of coming back into this human body time after time. Why is that, why are they not able to get out of that.

I know I can, but this world has been going on for millions of years. And finally we are at a time again where we can disconnect all from this process of having to go into that human body over and over again.


Yes its sort of a game, but it’s a very serious game at this time. A game that is affecting every and all being, universe, or even just the energies everywhere in all those universes.

That is what I see and feel and have lived for a long time. The energies you can say are what is real; there is no other way to describe them in the human at this time. But we all know we are this energy.


So the bottom line for me is, I am connected to all these universes, as I am all these universes. I am here in the human to complete the process of the earth. Complete it in the way it was meant to be and not let anything interfere with that.

Because if we don’t, we will have all these souls still lost in the process of being human having to go back over and over again.


and you know, I know they all have their own choice in this, and I cannot over turn any of their choices, but we can give them the opportunity and make them aware of the choice.


As we take out the J-seals for many and you have gone through that as well, we give them a new choice, we allow them to be open to make that choice.

I do not see it as God's/ Source’s responsibility, he was not the one who created this, we did, the ancients created many not just God/Source. We all have our own responsibility in this. Even if God/Source created us, we created from there, what are we going to say, well God /Source you created us, we made some mistakes and now we think you should take care of it.

We all have the responsibility; we were all created in God’s/Source’s image as they say. We are all part of God/Source. So if we are all one with God/Source. We are still going to say, God/Source you are separate, you take care of this. We do not have to do anything as we see this is a game, it’s not real.

But we created this game, not God/Source, we did.

it’s like many people on earth on earth right now just say, I don’t have to anything , everything is being taken care of , yes a lot is being done to assist us, but we still have our own responsibility to wake up and complete the process, we made that choice by coming here on earth at this time.


It’s not God/souce who made that choice for us. We chose to be here and we have to take responsibility for that and see how we can end the game that is going on here.

Finish the game of duality; finish the game of forced incarnation into a human body because our frequencies are not high enough to step out of it.

There is a lot involved here while we are here in this physical human body.


And for me I am not going to sit still and ask god /Source to take care of it, because we are God/Source and this is why we are here, to take care of it.


It is not costing me anything; it is part of my process toward the cosmic ascension. Everything I work on is part of my process and the further I get in this process the more I see the truth behind all of it, this game as we call it. I can step out of it at anytime and go into a peaceful place. I can go wherever I want to.

But I still know that it is my responsibility as a being that is one with God/Source to complete the game, to complete the transition of earth, so we can move beyond this 3D game.


I am going through this process of cosmic ascension for this specific reason, I chose to be here at this time and go through this process, I did not have to, my being does not need to. The only reason I am here as a human is to show the way, showing others that they can step out of this.

this process of cosmic ascension has been used time after time, now that we finally have raised the frequencies higher enough on earth, we are allowed to change this process of cosmic ascension, this is new and has never been done in this way. The game has changed in many ways already and keeps on changing as we reach higher levels.

Until we reach the level that allows us to step out of this game.


This is what our mission is. Nothing else can even come close to that, and yes we are attached to the outcome, as are all beings influenced by the outcome.

Because we are all one in the end, so if we leave this world, the earth, the way it is now.

We take away the chance for others to return to that state of oneness.


We were created and we all started living our own creations. The earth is one of them. Now we have the chance to complete this creation in the way we intended.

This is not just all outside of us, it is inside of us, and like you say we cannot reach a state of peace if we do not complete this game.

And you know, peace is not even important, it’s just a human feeling. We can go into the void and feel that peace at all times.

It is not the ultimate; it does not even come close to the ultimate feeling of oneness with all, being the all.


This is what we are working toward while we are finishing up this game. It is not the end, there is way more after this before you will reach that state of oneness with the all, but this is the beginning. This is what all others in other universes are obtaining again.

 We as children started at the beginning of our journey and we are growing and learning to be that oneness, that all again.

And since all is connected, all that we do affects the all.

 So we all learn and grow together.


See it as a classroom where you are learning to write. There might be some children that learn fast, others learn a bit slower. The teacher has to address those to keep them at the same level as the others. So the teacher takes the time to help these children. While she is doing that, you are waiting because she does not have the time to teach you more. And you will wait until they are at a level where they are able to follow the teaching again.

You are at a standstill during that time, doing some work, practicing, but you cannot go much further until they have been caught up.


This is how we are all connected in all universes. the earth is behind, the souls on earth are behind and we are being caught up until we can participate again in the process of learning and growing, evolving back into that state of oneness again.



In the Law of One



I read the discussion on this yesterday. Funny thing is I have also not been drawn to the lightworkers site anymore since about September or October of last year. So, I had not been on there in a long time. But, I got a good laugh out of the posts between you and the one person, I have to admit.

But, I am here to say to you as someone who is often in your is my perception that you are getting caught up in "the game". And, the reason I can recognize this, is because it is me. The very fact this has come into my reality shows me that it is in me. So, I am saying whatever I say for me as much as for you. If you are offended by anything, then I apologize ahead of time. But, I just thought this might help you give yourself a break mentally.

The one thing I was shown in October and November of last year, by being forced to take a break from EVERYTHING for at least a month, was that I was able to see how it is ALL a game. Just stop and look at it for one minute. I mean, really, seriously look at it and then think to can you NOT see it all as a game? It looks just like one of those games you play on the we have to create this grid and that grid and then some people and animals have to hold this energy and others hold that energy and we have to go to this sacred site and that site and do this and that and chant this or invoke that and then we have all these other things we are supposed to "do" like the things you and sherry are doing, that really look like games when you look at it. Who is telling us to do all of this? That is another question. And, why? Are these things "real" ? Like the 144,000 flames of God, just for a random example. (I mean, you could take anything...I'm not picking on this for any particular reason. Just trying to think of an example.) Is that a "real" thing...or is it just something we are to imagine, in order to help put us in a certain frequency? Is any of it real? Everything is a dream. If our dream states are just as real as our waking, if not more, then what is real? WHAT??? I mean, I get that the masters are telling us to do this stuff, and yes, I trust them. But, I am saying that even they keep changing what they say depending on what level they feel you are at to receive or comprehend the information. I felt that I was realizing this more and more, and I just wanted the full picture. Maa would always say "there is no such thing as a soul really, but I don't want to blow your minds." and things like that. I knew that she and other masters are just using words and these "games" to help us to connect to frequencies that can't otherwise be explained in words. So, in other's all just tools...and you can go beyond the tools.

When I went into the void in Sedona, I had my first realization of how none of it is real. And, it is all outside of me...all the game stuff is outside of me. The whole concern about the planet, even! It was all very far away and very insignificant in the void. But, then when I was taking that time "off" later in the year, I really began to see how all of it is a game. That one blue star class when I was saying I feel in such a state, that I am just not even into the meditation because we are going through chakras and I am like "chakras don't exist...why are we doing this?" And, that is when Adam was shown the peace pipe image for me. I was feeling way beyond it all at that time, which really is peace. When you see how it all is just the same game, but different frequency. Like the Matrix...they get beyond certain limitations in that movie, but they are still playing the "game". They are still fighting and striving and trying to guess about this or that...there is still "them" and "us" and get here and there and do this and that. So, they have not achieved peace.

So, then after feeling so disconnected, I had to make the choice to participate in the game it appears to be the only way to get out of the game completely. But this time from the consciousness that it really IS just a game. So, not to take it too seriously and just be in the flow. Just trust and allow and know that I am guided to do exactly what I am supposed to do when I am supposed to do it. I am just to play my part, and everyone else is as well. Whether their part is percieved at "bad" or "good" is only up to the perciever. Without Judas, the divine plan could not have been implemented, as people always point out. If everyone just woke up instantly, then what would be the point? There would not be any learning along the way...which as I see it is now is the real benefit to the process. I read this in "Oneness" channeled by Rasha. It says something like "it is not the destination, but the journey you will look back on with fondness" or something to the effect of it being the journey of ascension that is the real gift. Not the end result of being an ascended master. So, people have to take their journey. (I just saw last week that Sai Maa has that book on the list for Master Teachers to read...and here it's been one of my bibles for the past few years.) 

And, so if I am prompted to say something to someone like now, I trust that it is just the right time for someone to hear that particular thing and maybe it will help them, or maybe not. Or maybe it is just so that their response to what I say will help me. It doesn't matter. No attachment. Because, we must do what we are here to do, as all the masters eveything, without attachment to the fruits of our labor.

So, if you are feeling frustrated by what you percieve as people or things or forces that are getting in the way of what you are doing and you are feeling like it is affecting you, then I see it as you are becoming attached to the fruits of your labor. You are not responsible for what happens. All that is up to God. It's God's responsibility, so may I suggest just letting it go? It is way too heavy of a burden. If you are in alignment with your I AM, then you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, and all else is not an issue. You know what I mean? Just let it go. (coming from one still very much learning this lesson. I feel you are feeling that you have this huge weight on your shoulders to save humanity. It is not up to you! You only do your part.) You do your service, you be the example, and that is it. My lesson a year ago on letting go of control was "if I think I know what is best for someone else, then I am trying to control that person." I can not say it is best for anyone to do this or that. I am not them. I can only speak my truth from my experience and then let them do what they may. Knowing that my truth and my experience changes at a very rapid pace these does everyone's. So, what I speak today as truth, could not even feel the truth to me a month from now. However, at the time I speak it, it is the truth and knowing and trusting that all is in divine order, then it is what was to be said at that time.

So, I have just observed that when I first was working with you, you seemed very much of the realization that "all is light" and also very much less concerned about everything trying to influence you or get in your way. And, you seemed more at peace then. This is of course, just my outside observation. So, maybe just look again at how you have moved to where you are now and why it is happening. If you are kept distracted by worrying about these things, it is affecting your own progress. Know what I mean? I am not saying you have not had cause or reason to feel the way you do. I am just saying to observe what it is that caused you to become less at peace about everything. Anything that costs your peace, costs too much. As the saying goes...

As one who is definitely not yet changing my body into light at will...but will one day! And, I am almost certain I will not be visiting lighworkers to make posts when I do....Ha ha ha....I am off to go meditate. 

Much, much love to you all, and appreciation and gratitude for all you do. I would not be where I am without you.

Dev Saroop