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Isis on the Cosmic Axiatonal Alignement

I will be with you during the activation of your cosmic axiatonal lines to bring you the crystalline structure needed inside the physical body that allows for the growth of your crystalline light body that will become diamond once you are ready for cosmic ascension.

Many have thought about ascension and what does it mean, the cosmic axiatonal alignment is part of this process as you move forward to the year 2012.

Many other activations will be needed to prepare you for the crystalline integration and we will do more than just the activation of these axiatonal lines.

You will be catapulted into the higher dimensions as we prepare you for the alignment. This requires adjustments for the physical and spiritual bodies that are in need of these changes as you move forward on your mission.

Many have this question about their mission at this time, we can tell you now that your mission is yours to chose once you have fulfilled your path of cosmic ascension.

You can choose the fast path in this as you allow for the activation and integration of your crystalline energies inside your physical and spiritual bodies right now.

The crystalline energies allow for your physical body to start preparing for the cosmic diamond light that will become you once you complete the cosmic ascension.

This activation has always been part of the process and is something that cannot be changed, what we can change is how fast you can integrate this inside of you. This is why we have guided Sherry and Petra to teach this workshop as we can be there, through them to activate you, to assist you in integration in the Now.

They know already that this is not just about the Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment as they have experienced the new way of assistance that is allowed right now. We are in exiting times and many do not realize that the cosmic ascension that allows you to step out of the cycle of life and death is fully available for you at this time.

The cosmic ascension is what releases you out of the duality consciousness into being there as a spiritual being, it releases you from the game of reincarnation as you return to your full consciousness aspect of who you truly are and always have been.

I AM the resurrection


Through Petra Margolis
