The earth and all upon it are now out of quarantine. The rules have changed. We came out of quarantine in the last thirty days.
All that you receive can be influenced, and all that comes to you is/are not bound by rules. Be aware that the light is not what it seems to be right now. An example is some think they are working with the Arcturians and they are really working with Phantom Arcturus, and some say they are working with the Dove and it is part of the planetary grid that has been infiltrated. If you join groups to help the earth, please remember to connect into your I AM Presence and Source only. Many of the grids were set up with names that are sacred. Mother Mary grid, Stonehenge, are a few infiltrated.
Please also remember what happened during the fire the grid and the clean up work that had to be done after. Ask to have removed from you all negative and malicious ET holograms in all of your bodies and chakras. Make sure you ask the right source. What is your right source? I AM PRESENCE AND SOURCE.
You are all making your own rules now, and not just you, all that are in this universe can make their own rules.
So the most important part for you is to bring in full connection to your I Am Presence, your God-Self. Do not allow anything to connect to you in any other way then through your God Self.
This is the time where the real change happens, the change in you and this universe. You have the ability as a light worker to tip the scales negatively if you are not coming from your I AM presence and God self and if you are not asking for Divine Intention to create Heaven on Earth here now. We did not have to experience Atlantis fall again if we had done everything through our I AM and God Source.
Awaken Now and be your I Am presence, your God Self.
Descend into your heart, and find the compassion inside your heart.
Bring in the liquid light of the Golden Ray, the Silver Ray, and now the Diamond Ray.
This is the time where you have to be aware, alert and very careful. As the rules are not what they were before. Bringing in metatronic codes during the month of March is disasterous. We would like to have a successful mission this time. Work from your heart space and connect into your I AM Presence and your God self only.
This is not to scare you, this is your wakeup call. Many of you have been implanted, either in previous lifetimes or this lifetime. Many of these implants are now activated within the last 30 days.
Many will be implanted at this time. Many will have lower dimensional beings come in and these beings present themselves and will carry the energy signature of many of the beings you are so familiar with.
It is already happening, the amount of implants among light workers has dramatically increased in the last year.
Many of you will not talk about this, many of you will come from the love and light that you are. This is not enough at this time. Many will say, I don’t have implants, when I ask if this being is 100% pure light, I get the answer yes. The rules are already changed and any being is allowed to present itself as 100% pure light. Implants interfere with your information, or they allow for the lower dimensional beings to come to you, and represent themselves to you as higher dimensional beings. And yes you will get the answer that they are who they say they are, simply because you are interfered with.
Many will say I come from the heart, I am the love and the light.
Again the rules have changed. Compassion is of a higher dimensional energy then love. This is why we tell you to focus on compassion and liquid light, as they are the higher frequencies.
We ask you as of today, communicate with your I Am Presence, your God Self, Source. Do not connect with any being even if they say they come from the higher dimensions, and they are here to help.
You are the help, you are the Source.
As a side note in one of the weather reports on ABC news it’s said the Lion has roared and the Lamb will lay down.
We are the Lamb and we will be bringing peace and compassion in and we will not lay down to a negative grid system.
The Dove and the Lion are part of the sub infiltrated grids around the planet, with primary grids affected being the Atlantean and Lemurian including the MU grid, Planetary Grid and the Mother Mary and Michael grid.