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Why is the United States so important for the Earth and her ascension
I have been thinking about this, why was I sent here? To the United States? I am not American, I am Dutch. What is so important, that I need to be here? Speaking a language that is not my native language. Wouldn’t it have been easier for me to e...
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Who is responsible for your reality?
Who created the reality, the environment of learning upon the earth?It is hard to tell at this point as it started with a few that were able to create, it became the many that thought they could create.Let’s  have a look at Atlantis as it w...
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Who is able to channel who and how?
There are many beings to channel out there and depending upon your own level you can contact them or they will contact you.The Masters and Angels are available to everyone to channel although many will find a channel that has a compatible energy that...
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What is the Mass Consciousness and how does it influence you?
It is what it says it is the consciousness of the mass.You are all connected to it, so it is a combined consciousness.This is where many ideas come from, many feelings and experiences as it is within the mass consciousness.The mental body is connecte...
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What is pure Source Energy?
Source is all that is and contains the creation frequencies needed to create anything you can imagine.For example, Source is not Divine Love, Divine Love is an energy created out of Source energies. Each particle of energy has a core, this core is pu...
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What is our purpose on earth right now?
This question is asked many times, and many people are looking for this answer.Almost everyone will ask this during a reading as they want to know what it is they are looking for, why are they doing this, why are they waking up.And as I have noticed ...
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What is it we are really looking for?
When we realize that all is one and one is all. We are everything and nothing.We are love and light just as much as all the other feelings and expressions.If we look at our Source being, does it express all those feelings?Is it really true when we sa...
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What is Divine Love?
I AM ISIS,I come today in the capacity of Divine Love.What is Divine Love?Divine Love is but a human expression as within spirit it is not named.I am only here to give you the explanation as the words being used are human.Divine Love can be described...
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What is Creation, what is being created and what is your role in Creation
I would like everyone to take a moment and stand still.Stop everything you are doing and look at the world around you.What is happening in this world?Now as you have looked at it, take a moment to write down the changes you would like to see.But do t...
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What is control?
We see a lot of control around us in the 3D world, and we all have this idea of stepping out of it.How do we step out of it?We accept it, or we ignore it, or we try to do something about it.Now control is something that is all around us and not just ...
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What is an illusion?
As human you have created a reality on earth, some call it an illusion.As you create different realities, are these new realities illusions as well?What is the point of stepping out of one reality and stepping into a new reality?What is reality and w...
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What if you had a choice?
The timeline of earth is not ending as she moves into the higher realities.What is ending are parts of the other timelines that have been moving along with the earth.Yes they are there and now they are slowly connecting again as the history of the ea...
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What happened in Atlantis stays in Atlantis.
Most of you know you have been there, Atlantis. The stories are not clear as there are many.As I have told you before, when you integrate more aspects of yourself you will receive more knowledge.The knowledge of Atlantis is very deep within you as it...
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What does it mean to release all attachments?
We live in a world of duality; attachments seem to be part of that.Attachment to love and light, is still duality as you say love and light, it means there is also hate and dark.Even the oneness and wanting to be the oneness is an attachment.Somethin...
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The number 10
Many of the conclusions are connected to this number being important in some way.It is just a number.Within the universe this number is connected to the law of 10. Let’s say you give one apple away, you get 10 in return. Now these 10 apples might not...
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