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The Blueprint or Imprint of Creation

The earth came into being trillions of years ago, and came out of pure Source as it adjusted to the energies around her.

In the beginning of her existence there were no dimensions, no different realities, she just was.

She was a ball of fire, of energy that slowly became physical in appearance.

There were many beings, just balls of energy, that adjusted after coming from source and being flown out and they were adjusting to their new energy frequency.

Universes came together as energy is magnetic and energy that has the same resonance will find each other and become those universes.

Just imagine yourself this huge ball of energy, exploding from the inside out. There will be small parts and big parts and many in between parts. All energy that depending on its surroundings is becoming a new frequency as the surroundings change. Like a balloon filled with water that explodes as you throw it. There will be many different sizes of drops of water, depending upon where they land they change.

Some might stay water; others will mix with other elements.

Now this universe you are in has many planets, but it is not the only universe. There are many more as you can imagine.

Each little or small ball of energy became a being, some big ones became universes, smaller ones the planets and even smaller ones became beings like you.

But still no matter how small or big they have a consciousness.

They are what you might call light beings.

Your earth is such a light being.

She allowed many to live upon her, way longer than you can even remember now.

Much of that is still hidden within your consciousness.

All light beings were just light or energy, as was the earth. She did not have a physical appearance as beings started to migrate upon her.

What all light beings have in common is their Source, the pure frequency that is held within each particle of energy.

With the Big Bang occurring the particle frequency changed, they now have a different frequency, but the source frequency is within them. Within each particle of energy as a memory an imprint that gets never lost.

Each being wants to return to that Source frequency.

The Big Bang was not the first one, and many more have happened after this one.

It is the Law of creation as it evolves.

The first Big Bang within Source, as Source was just energy in existence without a consciousness, allowed the consciousness to come forward.

As the source energy was one big being of light. With consciousness and previous experience it was able to know that more of these big bangs would occur and it allowed the creation of 12 beings that would assist all those balls of energy on their journey if they would chose to do so.

They would assist in returning to the source frequency.

Now these beings did not create you or anything else as the stories tell you.

As all light beings have the source frequency within them, they create.

The 12 beings were not to interfere with this creation as it was a process of returning to source but cannot be done unless the being itself finds the memory within, the imprint.

The 12 beings were allowed to assist, to help in finding the imprint by example.

Source itself was assisting as well by allowing its frequency to run through all universes.

After this many more beings have stepped forward to assist.

Now I would like to start with your earth and you universe.

Many other universes have gone through this process and there is no one way of completing this process of evolution and finding the imprint within.

The earth and your universe is one of the oldest, created by the Second Big Bang.

Your earth didn’t start as the physical being it is now. The light beings were not physical as the ones that are on earth right now. To find the imprint, every frequency had to be explored.

This is what resulted in the earth and your physical appearance right now.

Yes there were some times were they were really close to finding the imprint and some even found it.

And yes there has also been interference as some light beings decided that they would create something that would not allow many to find this imprint. It is free will, and every being has it.

Some light beings were forming groups as they were within the same frequency range, others would explore by themselves.

Some groups would assist each other, as well as other groups would interfere with each other.

Creation, evolution is the process that allowed free will to explore, to learn.

But creation and evolution are also a Law, or guideline, if you follow it you will find what you are looking for faster if you chose it.

The words you are using right now were not there in the beginning. There were only different frequencies and they did not have a name like Love, Hate, and Peace.

There is not one frequency that is Love, or Hate or Peace.

As they are all part of the whole you can call of them Love, Hate and Peace.

There is no differentiation between them within Source.

The process on earth right now is the result of many groups of Light Beings working together, sharing their knowledge to find the imprint needed to move to the next phase within evolution and returning to the Source frequency.

Some groups will find the imprint to the Source frequency, some will not but they will learn from the group that finds it.

There are also groups that are interfering at this time, it is not new, it has always been and will always be.

It is not your job to change them, it is your job to find the path that leads toward you imprint.

As you might be part of a group, this will assist the ones in your group as well.

Each being will learn as you learn no matter what.

No matter what the consciousness of each being is creating, you are all connected through the imprint within you, the one pure Source that is within every being, this includes planets and universes.

This is your connection; this is why in fact you are one and the same being.

This is why every being receives the information of the process, of your learning experience to find the imprint within. It is received by the Source within you.

This information is not within the consciousness, but the consciousness can reach it.

Right now on earth you have a mass consciousness, this has many experiences within it, but these experiences are imprinted with the personal experience of each being on many different levels.

You can see it this way, if something happens like a flood, many humans will experience it, but they all have their own experience. As some might lose family they will have a different experience than the ones that don’t. This is why the mass consciousness is not a reliable source of information.

The Earth itself has her own imprint, her connection to you.

She is on her path to find it just like you.

Her path is however different from the many that are upon her.

There are beings upon earth right now that have made the conscious decision to put the path of the earth before their own path of finding the imprint.

Why you might ask.

Because they know that allowing the earth to evolve to the next level will assist many in finding their way to the imprint, the blueprint and full conscious awakening

You all talk about dimensions, levels. You are limiting yourself in many ways by doing so.

It is not about the dimension or level. In fact if you would be able to look at those dimensions you would realize that there is no such thing as dimensions or levels. As they all exist in one place. What you call dimensions or levels are different frequency bands within your universe, but they exist within the entire universe. It is not a rising up through them. It is a rising of frequency within you that allows you to access them.

I know it’s a human explanation but I would like you to step beyond that as you are on the path of discovery, the path of exploration to find the imprint, Blueprint of Source within you.


Petra Margolis

September 20, 2010