The New Earth, the Old Earth and is there is a difference?
Yes and No.
The earth that you are upon right now is not disappearing, it is ascending.
Does it turn into a star?
Yes and No.
The earth is ascending into the higher frequencies, thus becoming a light being. You could call this a star.
Will there still be humans upon earth.
Yes, there will be humans upon earth, those that have decided to ascend with the earth will be upon her in the non-physical frequencies and those that have not chosen the path of this ascension will be upon the earth in a more physical frequency.
The New Earth as many call it is the light body of the earth that you are upon right now.
This Light Body has undergone part of the ascension process already and has been prepared to merge with your physical earth.
The merging has already begun and you can start to feel the changes as you tune into the process.
The New earth or it would be more appropriate to say, the ascended earth will still be in this universe.
As the process of the merging completes itself, the earth will ascend.
Yes there are still many beings working against this process, and yes there are still many who have not awakened yet to their purpose of assisting with this process.
As there are also many who think this is just to support you as humans to move into the 5th dimension.
This is not about the humans, humans have a process of letting the physical body die and incarnate again in a human body when they choose not to ascend in this lifetime. The earth does not have a process like this.
So for those of you who think the earth will disappear or become inhabitable, this is not true.
The earth has supported the humans and many other beings, for trillions of years and she will support the humans and any other beings that will live upon her now and in the future as this is part of her path.
She will however be an ascended planet which will allow for higher vibrational beings to live upon her, as these beings will also be assisting those within the lower vibrational frequencies.
Many of these beings are upon the earth at this time; they have chosen the path of Cosmic Ascension as to assist the earth, but to also assist after the ascension of the earth.
For humans it does not really matter as to how and when they ascend, although many chose to be here at this time to take part in this creational process at this time.
Many of you have prepared yourself for this moment in previous lifetimes, this moment in time as you see it, where the gates open and you can take a fast and strong leap forward in your own process of evolution.
This is the time for Cosmic Ascension.
October 3, 2010
Petra Margolis