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What is it we are really looking for?

When we realize that all is one and one is all.

We are everything and nothing.

We are love and light just as much as all the other feelings and expressions.

If we look at our Source being, does it express all those feelings?

Is it really true when we say Love is the only thing out there, the only true thing out there?

We can think that love is all there is.

Or we can release all attachments to that and see the truth of what is all there is.

It is everything and nothing.

Does our Source being differentiate between Love and other feelings we express in the human world?

I don’t think it does, as it is everything and nothing.

There is no need for our Source Being to differentiate between those expressions of feelings.

The true learning experience is supported by feeling everything.

This is what brings the higher frequency.

This is what brings clearing.

And until we reach the point where we are our full Source Being and know we are everything, we will still express and need the other opposing energies.

As it is part of the process of learning experiencing, growing.

We can find balance within these feelings, within these human expressions.

But our Universe and beyond is not only Love, it is everything.

If you feel expressing Love is what takes you there, than chose that path.

We are not just the heart, we are not just the mind, and we are not just consciousness or light.

We are everything.

As we say we are only love we exclude many other aspects of ourselves as we are everything.

We can argue on the fact of Love what is Love, and how do we define Love.

Why do we give words to something that is beyond our apprehension sometimes?

As the feeling of oneness is so much more than just Love.

As we are here to learn, to grow and experience everything.

Why do we want to pick out only one thing out of all that and make it the most important part?

Isn’t the journey about all of it?

Isn’t it about finding the oneness within everything?

Be everything, as Source is everything.

It is the oneness within our Source being that creates these experiences for us.

But to define them, why can’t we let go of that and see them for what they really are.

Energies that no matter the level of frequency are a part of the whole.

Oneness is to be every energy, every level of frequency.

Not just the highest frequencies but also the lowest, as that is the only way to be one with everything.

We do not have to define them and give them names.

This is what oneness is all about, being everything without naming it. You can call it love, but then you limit yourself, your expression of what is the oneness.

Just release all attachment of what it might be.

And Just BE