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The collapse of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension
This is in fact not really a collapse as all dimensions have always existed within the same space, which is sometimes hard to understand as many see the dimensions in a linear way.What is happening is that more and more are moving between these 3 dim...
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Thanksgiving, a time to remember the Oneness
Isis and Kuthumi, We are here to share our message today as so many are at this moment reaching out to be with their family. Thanksgiving is something that is shared only within part of your world, there are many parts in your world that do...
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The importance of Israel and Jerusalem for earth
Israel has been in the news much these days and as I have been there myself and was amazed by the way it works within the city of Jerusalem I have asked some more information as to why this place is so important for many.My experience was that it ama...
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Fear of Death
I would like to explain a bit more about the fear of death as all that intent to physically ascend will have to deal with this.There is a moment before the physical ascension and as you are going to be consciously aware you will know this moment is h...
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Moving out of Duality Consciousness
This is and has been discussed in many ways and seems to be still the way most people use and will use until they can release the hate and fear that is present upon earth.A love based society will not have duality but a different way of thinking.This...
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Do we disappear?
Isis, on do we disappear? There has to be some background information as to how you came into being.I know our channel has gone through some experiences yesterday that can explain a bit more and she will share this at the end of the message.&nbs...
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Isis, Have you forgotten who you are?
With the New Year around the corner it is becoming more important than ever to remember who you are. The first one to remember is that you are not human, you are a spirit being, and you are everything that is within spirit. The Human body i...
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Isis, as the Creators you have choices.
The earth has already made her choice clear to all of you.She is ascending as you can feel the frequency within her has changed to a higher vibration of energy.All living creatures upon her, animals, plants, etc., are going with her.The ones that are...
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As the channel of this message, I wanted to explain how I see it, as I see many answers that I see as true.
As the channel of this message, I wanted to explain how I see it, as I see many answers that I see as true. Isis in the message is talking about creating out own reality, as I understand it she means creating a different view on how we see the r...
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Isis, Guidance and Misguidance
It saddens me to see so many of you not realizing that we are here to guide, but only guide. Any being saying otherwise is misleading you into another attachment or belief that is not helpful.You all have your own path and we realize that, we know th...
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Isis, December 22, 2011 Solstice, a glimpse within the future
As this date is coming up, we would like you all to prepare to bring in that part of you that is already within the New Earth Reality.The day when the sun stops and moves back once more to begin a new cycle of rebirthing.This moment in time is where ...
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Isis, a clear view on Ascension
Ascension is ascending within the energies within your own being. Ascension upon earth is ascending within your own being and bringing all of what you are in spirit down into the physical reality. As above, so below. That’s it, nothing...
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Isis, what the New Year is going to bring to you
Many illusions will fall way as you are looking for a way within you that reveals the truth that has been hidden from you for so long.Many more false prophets and illusions will be coming forward, and there will be some who will see within and know w...
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Isis, the Past, Present and Future are merging into the Now moment through the Portal of 12-12-11
I would like to welcome you on this day of the Lunar Eclipse.The moon is unraveling its secrets and mysteries of the past.This is the time to bring together your past, present and future as you are getting ready to move into the New Year 2012.The pas...
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Sananda, Why do you use the name Light Worker?
In this time where information is needed to complete the process of ascension for the earth and all upon her, we wonder why so many of you have not found a way within to find more answers.We see so many relying upon the information that is coming out...
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