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11-11, 21-12, 40 days to go, were finally there

I know I have not been sending out many emails lately. I have been working on my own process and guiding my students through the process towards ascension and assisting the earth in her ascension.

Now were coming up to 11-11 and from then on its only 40 more days till 21-12-2012.

A new portal of opportunity is opening in many ways depending upon your own choices.

Many portals have been open and closed over the years; some of them have stayed open and are still available for the ones that came after many of us to take advantage of the special energies coming through them.

There are a lot of messages out there and as far as I can see no one really has all the answers and neither have I. There is still so much unknown as to what this shift really is going to mean, going to do and what it will change for us on earth.

All many of us know is that it is happening, going to happen and that it is important to be there, we came on earth at this time to be there are this time and on this date of 21-12-2012.

So much has happened over all these years that we have been working on this preparation process and there is still much work to be done as many know that their work will begin after the shift.

What we see now on earth and especially here in the United States is division amongst humans, there seems to be almost a 50/50 split and this feels right in some way and wrong in so many other ways.

The coming together of all humans to go through this shift together is not really happening and I see and feel it, it will take time after the shift, I don’t really know how much time, but nothing is going to change immediately as the split between all humans is too great to overcome with just a plain simple shift into the 5th dimensional energies.

As I feel it and see the energies upon earth, there is a fog, a unclarity that is still there and is hard to clear out as to many are still unawake and not ready to accept the greater, bigger changes that come with the 5th dimensional reality.

There is also a lot of division amongst light workers as many are in the process of trying out and playing with the new creational abilities, many from a human level instead of source level.

This results in a lot of division as well, as creational abilities are something that are not to be taken lightly, as we all know that everything we create has an effect, no matter how big or small on the greater picture.

The energies opening up on 11-11 are related to these new creational abilities and this portal has many choices within. Especially the choice between illusion and reality as far as what many have already chosen and can still change.

Many that are now working within the creational realities are working within an illusion that has been created by their own human views and beliefs. They have an effect though on everything that is happening on earth and not always the intended human outcome.

Even very small creations have a ripple effect on the greater picture on earth.

Working with creational energies is not easy and yes for some it has started to work on small levels within their own reality, but I think sometimes that its more working due to the effect that people change some of their beliefs as far as what is possible and not possible and this is what allows the energy that is already present and the opportunity that is already present to come into their life.

Creation is present on every level within us and around us, it is something that is present within every moment and can be used within every moment, but sometimes we take these moments and make them into a human moment instead of a source moment.

Even if we think we are creating from a source level, we think it through with the human mind as far as what we want to create and this is where the difficulty lies as the human is not always aligned with the source part within.

Many try to circumvent this by saying I am working through my heart, through light, through love, through allowing my higher presence to take control.

The whole lesson we have to learn this time is that the human and all other parts of us have to be in alignment to make the real changes needed for all humans upon earth.

Bringing all that in alignment and being able to bring it through the human into this reality is a long road and not as easy as many think.

Yes, our higher parts are in control and can take control, but the fact remains that changes are needed here within this reality and our higher parts are within many realities, many dimensions, even in other universes and ultimately within source.

To bring ALL those parts together and start actively bringing in the creational energies from the source level is what we need to learn and accomplish for the new earth reality that is coming very soon.

Much of this will happen after the shift, as the new 5th dimensional energies that will be present for all humans will allow for an easier access, but it’s still going to be a long process to get all human to those levels of creation and working together to create the ultimate truth and reality that was planned and we planned for ourselves as humans living upon earth.

The coming 40 days are going to be openings, opportunities, and portals of energy that allow for more choices, more understanding and more allowance of our higher parts to connect fully with us as humans and bring through more of the source reality that is to be created here upon earth.

On 11-11 at 11pm, we will have a meditation to start the 40 day process that will assist you especially right after the shift, but also leading up to the shift to find a greater understanding of what is happening. A greater understanding of the inner workings of our own being connected to all our higher aspects and most important start or expand the connection and dialogue between the human and all other aspects of our being.

11-11 is the portal of connecting within, turning within and prepare within for the shift that is now in reach, it’s only 40 days ahead of us.

Another date that is important is 11-13-2012, a special alignment within our universe where the portal of choice opens to either remain within the illusion or move into the reality of what you are on all levels.

This alignment will give you the opportunity as a human; make a choice as a human to find more understanding of what creation is all about.

The next date is 12-12-2012, this is the countdown to 21-12-2012, and each day from 12-12 on will have special portals opening as we finish up the last preparations to move through the eye of the needle as I would call it, an opening within this reality that moves all into a new 5th dimensional reality.

I will keep you up to date through email as we prepare ourselves with the final date finally in sight. It always seemed so far away, but now it’s here and sometimes it feels like were not ready, or were ready but there is still more we can do.

My intention is to find all that we can do to make this shift as powerful as possible for all of humanity, to take advantage of all that can be done before this shift to make sure the reality after this shift is ready for all humans to start living within a world that can be changed more easily than ever before into the world it was meant to be all along.

This is not going to happen overnight, I understand that, and I hope many understand this as many humans are not ready to accept even the slightest change at this time as far as beliefs, way of life and more human circumstances. But we can start now and prepare and know that it can be done, we can do this. As long as we know and allow for all of our aspects to be part of this and not only base the changes needed on either the human experience of our reality or the experience of our higher aspects of our reality. Both human and spirit will have to be working as one to create the real reality on earth.