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How are you creating abundance, for yourself and everyone else?

As you all are living upon earth in your own created reality, what is it you want to see as abundance for yourself and everyone upon earth.

Many seem to think abundance is a sharing equally of all that is present.

But is this real abundance?

Let me give you an example.

I want to make a salsa and need 10 tomatoes, now I have 10 tomatoes.

Someone else needs 10 tomatoes for a salad, but doesn’t have any tomatoes.

If you see abundance as sharing you would give 5 tomatoes to that person to make the salad.

This leaves you with 5 tomatoes, enough to make half the salsa, but it is not enough to make the amount of salsa you need.

Is this sharing, yes it is.

Is it abundance? Not it is not.

Abundance would be if there were 20 tomatoes available and you would each have enough for what you want to make at that moment.

Abundance is something that means all your needs are met. Each person has different needs at times.

You could share everything with others, but this doesn’t mean they are the things they need.

The example of the tomatoes is of course a simple explanation and it becomes more difficult when much more is involved as each person has their own needs as far as what they would consider abundance.

But it explains a bit about the view many have about abundance.

In these times upon earth, abundance is related lots of times with having enough money to buy everything you see as part of your abundance.

Money is something that represents abundance at times as many feel that not having money means their abundance is limited.

The idea is to evenly distribute money amongst every person.

It would however be the same as with the example.

What if you 10 tomatoes, and another person needs 10 onions.

The tomatoes cost twice as much as the onions.

Now if you would divide the money equally, both people would be able to buy what they need, but the person buying the onions has money left.

In the view of most this would be considered that the person that has money left is more abundant as the have more money.

Now what are you going to do?

Take part of that money and give it to others again?

Again simple explanation but I hope you get an idea of what I mean.

Equal sharing of anything is not abundance.

The right amount available for each person needs is abundance for each person.

At this moment there is abundance for some and not for the many.

Money has become the representation of abundance for many.

Now many light workers are changing this view, but within this change some see equal sharing as a new form of abundance and it is not a complete abundance view yet.

Can you imagine a world where each person has car, but because you think abundance is equality for each person, only one type of car can be allowed as different cars for each person would be considered not equal.

If some would have a large car and others a small car, what would that mean?

If the mindset was that each person abundance needs are different it would be no problem, but as the view is more in a phase of equal sharing it would be problematic.

This means it is time to change the view of abundance for many as you are right now in a time where many are not experiencing abundance because they have a set view of abundance.

Let go of the restrictions that you apply to your own abundance and let the universe give you the abundance you need within every moment.

Creating abundance for all starts with allowing the creation of abundance for yourself first.