The earth has already made her choice clear to all of you.
She is ascending as you can feel the frequency within her has changed to a higher vibration of energy.
All living creatures upon her, animals, plants, etc., are going with her.
The ones that are now left are the humans, as the humans have their own choices to make as far as ascending with the earth.
You have seen many leaving already and many more will leave, the ones that are staying have made the decision before their incarnation to move with the opportunity that was created by all of you to experience life within the 5th dimensional reality once the earth has ascended.
This choice can still be changed as all of you have the free will to choose any other possibility.
There are several possibilities available at this time as the energies on earth are supportive enough to make quick changes possible.
There is still time to awaken fully and to move out of the limitations of the physical reality and move beyond the incarnation cycle of the human body.
The new earth reality is still in the creational process and again different choices can be made.
It is possible to move into the 5th dimensional reality with a 3rd dimensional attitude or view.
Much of what is on earth seen as a reality within this moment will be part of your reality once the shift into the 5th dimensional reality has been made.
For those that choose a 5th dimensional attitude or view, they will experience the new earth reality from a more fluid point of view and access to higher dimensional realities will be more readily available as they go deeper within at that moment.
What is happening in this time is that all possibilities are being offered and new views of reality are being introduced as the earth is already changing her reality.
You are the creators of the new earth reality.
As creators you have choices to make if you like to do so.
You can stay with the choice you made before you incarnated on earth, or you can change this choice.
It seems many are confused at this time as the earth is very clear about her ascension.
At this moment as you are creating the new earth reality, some parts of the 3rd dimensional reality will move with it as many only made the choice to move from a 3rd dimensional frequency to a 5th dimensional frequency and a different view as what this means.
You all know only a small group is awake and many are not, they only chose to move with the earth, nothing more.
You have a choice to start seeing the reality on earth in a different way and become conscious creators within your own reality.
In this way you will change the consciousness upon earth and more will awake before or after the shift.
This is not about humans left behind because they are not awake, all will ascend as you might call it into the 5th dimensional reality, the only difference is that many will still be within a 3rd dimensional reality attitude or view and others will have a 5th or maybe even higher dimensional attitude or view.
This is all being created within the now moment as the earth has made the choice to ascend.
You are the creators of this new reality.
And there are endless possibilities as you create your own reality.
You each create your own attitude and view within your reality.
Through Petra Margolis
December 28, 2011