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Isis, Seeing, feeling, hearing or knowing the spiritual human

There is still much that needs to be discussed as we are moving into the year 2012.

It has been known throughout time that the human is just an extension of the spiritual being, this was translated in the many religions around the world.

No matter what religion you are looking at, they all will have in one form or another the knowledge within them that the human is here to learn and experience and once they leave or have left, they will be back within spirit.

Each and every religion has in one way or the other a belief in an afterlife.

Some believe that it depends upon the way you live your life, you go to certain places, like heaven and hell. Others like in Egypt preserved the bodies of the human and gave gifts to the dead to make sure they would make it to the afterlife. No matter how they thought it would be, they all know there is more than just the human body.

Many teachings have taught about the spiritual realities, the spiritual parts, the soul, the Ka and more. Mystery schools have been present upon earth at all times to teach the seeing, feeling, hearing or knowing to the ones that were ready.

At this moment there are many who can see or feel or hear or know.

These are all different ways of understanding the spiritual reality and no matter which way you understand it is perfect for you.

In certain religions it would be the ones that focused on the spiritual life that would lift up all others in their surrounding area, as the ones that were not called to be on the path of understanding, they did realize the importance of the spiritual world and would support the ones that did the work to lift them up.

This is what is happening now in some way as well.

There are many more out there in this time than ever before, they have been called upon the path of understanding the spiritual world and in this way they are laying the ground work for many others to be lifted up with them.

The ones that were called to the path of ascension in this time, are the same ones who were there in previous times and they have with them the knowledge of those times.

It is however only a small group that has awakened and they work hard , this time mostly without any support or with a very small support group, from the people around them that will be lifted up through their work.

Each and every one of you has the capability of seeing or feeling or hearing or knowing. 

As the question arises in these times of how many are going to be making it to the new earth. We need as many as possible to lift up those that are not yet capable of understanding the spiritual parts of themselves.

At this moment we have less than 1% capable of lifting up the others when the earth will shift into the 5th dimensional frequency.

With less we mean way less than 1%, even though there are more and more awakening at this time, the awakening that is happening is in many ways not complete as the teachings that are there are not complete and the support needed for those that have been called to this path is not complete.

It is not easy to become fully awake as there are many more outside influences in this time more than ever before preventing you from becoming fully awake. You are living a human life that is asking more of you than it would ask from you in previous times in your history.

In previous times life was simpler, each town could have a temple where the ones that were called could live and focus on their path and responsibility of working on the lifting up of the entire town. The ones living in town mostly had to worry about growing food, and supporting the temple.

In other places there would be shamans who would be supported through the people in the village as they worked on becoming aware of the spiritual reality and in this way could explain the spiritual reality to the people in the village.

In this moment in time all of you are being distracted in many ways as the world around you has become more demanding and there are many more people on earth at this time.

It requires many more awake at this time because there are so many more people on earth.

As there is not the possibility of a temple in each town, or a shaman in each village, or mystery schools that could take on the ones that were called to the path of awakening, it has become harder for the ones that have been called from within to follow this path.

In previous times the ones that were called could work on the path of awakening full-time as they did not have the worries you have in this moment of time.

Many that have been called from within are now working or barely surviving at times as they know their calling, but the human world takes up much of their time as they need to survive within this human world. 

They have been called from within to teach, to bring awareness, and to help others understand and they have to do this from a place that is sometimes even hostile as they cannot do this the way it was done in previous times.

In the past teachings were so called free, as the teachers were supported through the village people. Mystery schools were able to take students for free as the students would work together to keep the mystery school running. The surrounding villages would support them by bringing them food and other necessities. In this way mystery schools were able to teach the path to awakening for many as they were called from within. They would have land with buildings to use to live and teach in.

At this time many of those teachers are not capable of teaching this way anymore as they are to live within the human reality of survival at most times.

Many of the teachers have been teachers in previous times, and they have come here again to teach all that they know to support others to reach awakening and to support the earth in her process of ascension.

As we know the earth is getting ready to ascend, we need many awake to support the earth, but also support the ones that are not awake.

There is a no man left behind agreement and this is why we are here to give you more information and guidance so this agreement will not be broken.

Yes if we cannot awaken enough, it will only mean more to do for the ones that are working on full awakening and they will make it happen no matter what and how many will be there to support them.

This is why I have brought in “The Isis Light Body Process for Planetary Ascension”. This will take many into the 5th dimensional frequencies and this will make the transition easier for many. The ones that will not awaken will be moved to the 5th dimensional frequency after the ascension of the earth and they will need some time to adjust and work on the process of planetary ascension at that time.

As the transition for humans is only to the 5th dimension we need only the completion of planetary ascension for many as they will be the supporting energy for those that are not awake yet. Those that have worked on cosmic ascension and are getting ready to support the earth in her ascension. The earth herself will be ascending beyond the 5th dimension. Yes, we would like for you to work on cosmic ascension as this will make it easier to complete the ascension of all humans and the earth. This is why we will be bringing in more information about the cosmic ascension process soon as well.

There is much support within the spiritual realms for all of you, there is much support on earth for all of you.

Yes times are different and the way of teaching the awakening process has changed, this does not mean it is not available for each and every one of you.

It is not impossible, it is very much a reality as the earth has raised her inner frequencies, and the energies surrounding you have been raised to new levels.

As the time for the ascension of the earth is coming closer the surrounding frequencies will be raised even more, this is the time to take advantage of the support that is available within the spiritual realms and upon earth.

You all can do this, you can all awaken to this.

This is not a small group that is more advanced, this is about all of you that are advanced enough to do this as your being within spirit is capable of guiding all of you to the full awakening.

This is what is so important to understand, this is not about who is more or less, you are all one and all of you are here on earth right now to follow the call from within and take this earth reality to a new level.

This is the time where you support each other, where you become awake to the real truth of who you are.

Yes it will take time, yes it will be not easy for some, it doesn’t mean it is impossible, it just means you work a little harder to get there.

Yes, I said work, as you are being called from within, it does not mean you do not have to do anything. Yes there is support all around you, it does not mean you do not have to work. Awakening is a path of creating the new reality within you.

Creation is movement, it is a fluid energy and you will have to move the energy to create the new reality within you.

When there is something you do not know, you ask.

Much can be found within, but as you are all one, the information is present within all of you. Some are able to reach it sooner than others. They are there to be the wayshowers. You do not see them as separate from yourself, you see yourself as one. Support each other as some are the wayshowers and at this moment in time are in need of support to complete their path of wayshowers to all of you. And not just you but all others, even though they might not awaken. The wayshowers can assist you in awakening and you will go on to awaken others.

There are so many out there that can help you at this time.

Think about it, what if you really followed your heart, what if there was nothing to distract you from following your heart. What would you be doing?

Live like there is no distraction, live from the heart, live from within the oneness.

The only way to create a new reality is to live it to the fullest of possibilities within you as this will create the new reality.

Let go of the distractions, learn to let go of the distractions around you and live from the heart, follow your heart, move inside your heart, move deeper within your heart and find the call of your being waiting for you.

Seems impossible right now, but it can be done if you find the call within you.

Waiting for it to happen will not create the new reality.

Action will make it happen.


Through Petra Margolis

December 15, 2011