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Ascension is returning to your Original State of Being

This is the simplest statement, but the most factual.

Ascension is seen usually as moving up in frequency, but the moving up in frequency eventually leads to you returning to your original state of being.

What is your original state of being?

It is many things, but to describe it in a simple way is Being Oneness within Creation as well as Source.

Source is creation as source is an ever flowing energy that is in movement and as the energy is in movement creation takes place.

We look at ascension from our physical level instead of the spiritual level.

Just as we look at the changes on earth from a physical level instead of a spiritual level.

When we look at human ascension compared to planets ascending, we see a difference as planets just ascend as the energies are aligned and they can return to a more original state of being.

Every planet within our own solar system is connected to each other through certain magnetic as well as energetic systems that are naturally occurring within each planet.

All planets have to be aligned properly to ascend as one being.

The influence of the earth on this ascension process is that the earth has humans living upon her that have used parts of the earth surface, but mostly have used energetic parts of the earth for their own benefits.

We have placed much of our energies within the energies of the earth and in this way we have been affecting the ascension process of the earth. This was not always done with the permission of the earth.

You can see it this way, if you look at your own physical and spiritual being, would you like it if others placed their energy within you? And not just placing their energy within you but actually syphon off your energy to use it for themselves.

The earth has given notice to us humans that she is ready to ascend, and what do we do? We expect her to support us in our processes, we expect her to keep on supporting us and we keep on placing energies within her to support us.

The earth can use our help in repairing or clearing energies, but we have to know what we are doing when we are assisting the earth in this process and many do not really see it this way, as they think that repairing certain grids, or even placing new grids within her is going to assist her.

There is a new movement happening again where a group is preparing to place another grid within the earth and not just the earth but our entire universe, not with the intention of assisting the earth, but with the intention of assisting humans.

The problem lies within the fact that they want to place this grid in the earth, and in every other planet including the sun.

You can ask yourself if that is the right thing to do as our entire universe is ready to ascend and really doesn’t need another grid to support human beings placed within them.

Energy work is very delicate and to use the earth and not just the earth but every other element upon earth that is ascending for the purpose of changing the reality of humans is in my opinion very wrong.

It is the same thing as me saying to several people, I am going to place a grid within you, connect you to me and I expect you to support me so I can use your energy to create a new reality for myself.

In fact I am not saying anything, I am not asking for permission, I am just placing the grid within those people and force them to support me this way.

We all have our own energies, just like each planet and the earth have their own energies, is it really necessary to use others energies from other beings to support the changes for humans? Or can we just use our own energy to make changes?

We really have to look at this as we are not using our own power to make changes, and we can actually see that real changes are not happening.

Feeling one within everything is good, but does that mean we have to use the energies of others that we are one with?

Creation takes place within the consciousness; it does not take place when you use energies of others to support the changes.

This is what the control system has been doing for a long time, as it has been using the energy of each human and the energies of the earth and other planets to create realities upon earth and look where it has taken us.

This is something that is very hard to accept for many and I have seen a lot of anger coming out when people even consider the fact that their own energy was used to control them, and many will not accept this fact as they have been taught that the earth is supporting them, and energies of other beings is supporting them in their life and the creation of new realities.

Just the word control brings out a very strong reaction from many as they see themselves as physical beings having a spiritual experience, but do not realize that the physical is within a reality that is being controlled to even have those experiences.

Our whole reality including all the dimensions we know of have been created for us to have certain experiences, and just the fact that it was for certain experiences explains already that there is some type of control. There is a plan to have certain experiences. This means you have to control what can and cannot be experienced.

Over time the control has become stronger even though more experiences were added to the system, the creation or the reality we live in.

Now we are having more spiritual experiences, but mostly up to a certain level as even the spiritual experiences are controlled in a way. We are allowed to have certain spiritual experiences but only up to a certain level. This is translated in the fact that the change taking place is only up to a 5th dimensional level.

We have many beings coming through with messages but even those messages are usually only up to a certain level, mostly the physical level and there is not much talk about the fact that we can actually move back to just being a spiritual being completely and be freed from the controlled reality or creation we live in.

We have to ask ourselves why it is so important for many of these beings to keep us focused on changing the reality or created reality we live in right now instead of saying that in fact we can move out of it.

They say we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, and the experiences we are having need to be changed, but the fact remains that they hardly ever talk about the fact that as spiritual being we can actually move out of this created reality, we don’t have to stay here and go through these experiences, even though they are going to be changed.

I know many would love to just move out of this physical experience, or would make that choice if they knew it was a choice they have.

But instead of informing us about this possibility they give us lectures about how we should be, what our new experiences should be and how we should change this reality into something that we might like better as humans. And I am not even talking about the ones that say they will come to do it for us.

Yes, they are very loving and hardly ever forget to mention the fact that they love us and cannot wait to be with us again, but so far I do not see much that actually gives us information on how to be with them again, in spirit is what I am talking about, as they are within spirit, they do not have a physical body, or at least most of them say they do not have a physical body and they claim to be in higher dimensions so how are we going to be connecting with them again is my question.

This brings me back to the fact that it is going to be a personal choice for each human, a personal ascension as well for each human.

Moving out of the physical is a bit more than just moving as a whole into the new reality that is or will be created at one point, as we are only moving up two levels within the dimensions.

It has been done by groups though so it is possible.

For those that think the 5th dimensional reality is non-physical or you will have full awareness of the spiritual world, you have to look at the facts, as many are already within a 5th dimensional frequency. Does anyone have a full awareness of their own spiritual being, a complete view of what is happening on a spiritual level, but also physical level, as this would mean we could see on every level and it would be real easy to make changes, instead of the slow process of change we are going through at this moment?

And we have to look at the facts of what is happening for real to see if a change is really happening or not.

The process of returning to your original state of being is however not a simple one as the attachment to the human reality and what we see as our spiritual reality might not always be as simple as we think it is.

We cannot move out of this reality through using the energies and support of other beings, this might assist us on the lower levels, but when we move into higher levels, we will have to do the work ourselves.

I will try to explain more about this in another message as the process is simple yet complicated and is not easy to explain as the spiritual reality is still very much a reality that many have experienced only within small parts of their being and the understanding of what is happening is something that has to be done through experience.


Petra Margolis

April 3, 2012