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Isis, I am the One that protects as my channel was threatened today.

She received a private message yesterday, you can read this message below and my reaction underneath the message.

Petra has never contacted or communicated privately with this person and has not reacted to this private message.


Participants: petra and Mystery Garden

Mystery Garden

23 Feb 2012 - 3:02pm


I don't know you, nor you me at all. I had enough of your dirty words and mobbing, and it is inacceptable how you insulted not only Archangel Michael, but come to talk your BS and use exactly these words on my work, now let me open my Mouth, once, but very clear and serious:


I swear, one more insult or bs against my Soul or Life, YOUR SOUL IS DONE AND FINISHED.




This is my reaction as I am Isis and I will protect my channel as she has done for me many times.

No one can delete a soul, no one can harm what you are within Source.

What can be harmed is your extension within through all dimensions as each dimension or frequency created has certain rules.

These are universal laws of creation and this is what I would like to explain within this moment.

You are source and you are oneness, to explore within you create extensions, or creations within each frequency or as you might call it dimension.

Upon earth you are existing at this moment in one of the lowest frequencies or dimensions possible at this moment.

You extend, or you change from within many parts of you slowly down the ladder until just a small part has reached the lowest frequency or dimension.

This is the human body.

You have done this over and over again and actually many of you didn’t even go all the way back in between lifetimes as the process is not as simple as it might seem.

Now as you have stepped down within dimensions, the parts of you within those dimensions are more vulnerable the lower down you go within those dimensions.

This because the fluidity within what is possible to create is slowed down because of the slower vibration of the frequency, the energy within those lower dimensions.

There are possibilities to harm your energies as they have extended through all dimensions, down from source into the 3rd dimensional frequencies.

There are many warriors amongst you that know what I am speaking of as they have experienced the damage that can be inflicted upon their energy bodies.

Within each dimension a polarity is happening and within this polarity attacks can be made on your energies.

Now many of you will say, as I am love I cannot be harmed.

This is true as real harm can never be done to what you are within source.

However your energies can be damaged no matter how much love you are and think you are as a human.

The Laws within your universe are different through each dimension and the higher you move the less damage that can be done.

But unless all your frequencies and energies are within source, harm can be done.

You have to realize that you created these extensions well aware of the limitations it brings.

You can belief in oneness, or know you are oneness, but unless every part of you is within the oneness there are realities within each level of your creation down into the 3rd dimension.

The fact alone that you are having a reality experience within the 3rd dimension means that part of your being has extended within the 3rd dimension.

As I have explained some of this, I would like to address the message that was sent to this channel.

I am Isis, but I am known in many realities with other names.

My true vibration and existence is within source.

I have been here from the beginning of days as the earth was created, civilizations have come and gone and I have been a part of many of these civilizations under many different names.

There are many out there that will see themselves as me as they have their own experiences within their own cellular memory of times where we all worked together as one or as separate.

Many will use the name Isis and the time I was present in Egypt, as I have used this name to represent myself, as this is the most known incarnation I have.

I was also present however long before I incarnated as Isis and have used many names, as well as one that you all know, the name Mary Magdalene.

The old Egyptian teachings have been on earth through many civilizations including Atlantis but also the Aztec, Mayans and Native Americans.

These teachings have moved through time, sometimes distorted through what you remember to be your history.

As many of you have started to remember more and more, many more will see themselves as me or any other teacher that was present.

This because the history, or imprint within the past memories contains much of what these teachers were and this is usually the first energy being contacted.

I will continue to use this name as it represents the teachings that are now needed.

Through the pyramids each timeline has been reconnected to bring through the energies and teachings for the ones that need to remember.

Some of you need to remember more than others as each of you have their own path to walk back up within their own being, depending upon where you need to be or decide to be within your own being.

As I have explained before, many will not walk far, they will take a couple of steps and remain there to explore until they feel their time has come to take more steps.

Others will take all steps back into their own being until they have reached a full merging of all the steps and have become fully realized within source again.

By this I mean every part of their extension down, will have dissolved into the higher parts of their being until there are no more steps left.

I am however not only a guide, I am also here to teach and in this case protect.

Not that my channel is not capable of this, but because she is very capable.

At this moment her energy is needed however to work on herself and defending herself would take away from that.


I am Isis

Through Petra Margolis

February 24, 2012