I wonder along as the religions are still having control of the most of the earth populations as far as their spiritual belief systems.
And I am wondering along as this seems to be a time where many religious belief systems are in need of an overhaul or just needs to be destroyed in a way that gives people a new way of thinking and living in peace.
When looking into our history, going back thousands of years, we see that religions were more the religions or belief systems of more than one God, the one God principle didn’t really come into play until about 2000 years ago.
The Egyptians had a period of one God, but that didn’t work out too well for the pharaoh that implemented the one God principle.
When we look at older belief systems, for example the Pagans, we see they had more than one God or deity. They were able to live more in balance this way, than if they would have had one God.
When we look at Buddhism, we see more than one deity; they seem to be more in balance than the Christian religions or Islamic religions.
They all gave names to certain energies they were experiencing themselves and tried to balance the energies within themselves by praying to certain deities.
They tried to balance the energies outside of them by praying to certain god/deities.
If we go back even further, people would use the elements as part of their belief system, the water, air, fire, the wind, the sun and moon.
They lived more in balance with their surroundings, thus more in balance with the earth.
All religions are based upon the fact that people were not sure how they got here, they wanted to know their purpose in life, they wanted to be able in some way also to control their life.
There are religions like Voodoo, they have been around for a long time, they have deities or gods that work on both sides of the isle, good and bad.
But that is yet another way to find balance within them and the world around them.
Although of course any religion can be used to upset the balance within or around us.
No matter what, every religion seems to have a focus of trying to balance the energies through outside forces.
The one god religion however seems to be more controlling than the religions that have a diversity of gods representing many different energies within us and around us.
Although the one God religion has many saints they put into play, but these saints are not really representative of different energies, they are more yet another representation of the one God energies.
As far as progress within we can see which religions have had more success in a way of teaching how to find balance within and around the people using the religion to find balance within and outside of them.
The balance has been almost eradicated by the one God principle as the wars at this time are mostly fought because of these one God religions.
When we look at the pagans and Buddhism for example, we see there was more of a balance with the outside world, when we look at Buddhism we see more balance within the inside world.
Paganism was almost destroyed by the one God religion, even though this one God religion took some of the Pagan rituals to lure people into the one God religion.
It has happened many times where the belief systems of more than one God/deity have been almost destroyed and the knowledge of those religions got lost because of it. We see this very clearly in Egypt where somehow the ancient knowledge is missing, there seems to be a gap between the old teachings of the temples in Egypt and the change into mostly the one God Islamic religion.
We do see however also that the one God religion has placed these religions in the hand of the male energies and the female energies are ignored except for the couple of saints they allow to be present. The Islamic religions have taken it even further into almost completely eradicating the female energies.
If we look around us at this time the war is between the Christian and Islamic religions, both very male oriented energies.
This doesn’t mean there are no women involved, because we can see that even women are sometimes fully immersed into both religions.
The Islamic groups have women who do not hesitate to use even their own children to kill others that do not confirm to their idea of God.
The Christians use their God as a weapon as well just like the Islamic religion only now they don’t kill but mostly suppress people.
The New Age teachings coming in this century have tried at times to take us beyond any religion into our own knowledge.
Many have grown into their own knowledge of realizing that God is nothing more than a representation of who we all really are.
The word God however is loaded with male energies, and seems to have a negative effect on many as the word God represents an imbalance within the energies around us, but also within us.
The word God is representative of heaven and hell, good or bad and many more dualistic views as far as how to live our life.
However the word God is still used in many channelings and it gets confusing as the word God is being used to describe us as humans, but also within the same channelings is being used for a being that is sort of in control of what is happening to us humans.
This is also happening for the word creator, although the word creator has a less negative energy attached to it.
Many have memories of other lifetimes, going all the way back to Atlantis, Lemuria.
The question is what belief systems were present in those times?
Were there any belief systems at that time?
Sometimes we need to go back into the past to find our way into the future.
This means sometimes taking the jump into the unknown to find the known.
Maybe it is time to let go of all attachment to any belief system, one god or many gods, doesn’t matter and start placing our trust within ourselves, start to belief in ourselves instead of placing it outside of us in one or many gods.
Petra Margolis
May 23, 2012