Your reality is what you belief, what you want to belief and what you want to see within the world around you.
Your view on reality is created in conjuncture with the human and some of the higher parts of your being as you move through the human 3D reality.
Who is in charge depends upon the choices of the human, as the human will have to understand and allow for the choices to be made by any higher parts of their being.
Your higher being can present the choices to you as a human and the human mind, heart and understanding is what is needed to actually make a choice.
This is however only within the 3D human reality as within the higher dimensional realities decisions are made by those part of you present within those realities and these choices are sometimes going unnoticed, actually most of the time they go unnoticed as the human does not have a full connection and conversation going on between the human and these higher parts.
This is why we always ask you to look within and build a relationship within with all higher parts of your being.
As soon as you understand and see the decisions that are made within higher parts of your being, you will understand more about every situation you encounter within the human 3D world as your path has been planned and is still being planned as changes within the energies are making new possibilities available for your being.
Many higher parts within you know and have experienced the flow of these energies that are coming in at this time of moving down into the zero point and moving through the zero point as well as moving up after you have been through the zero point.
Some have actually used this zero point before in previous times to ascend into different levels.
This time however a different form of ascension is taking place and many have come here to assist with this change as it requires the wayshowers to lead the masses up into the new dimensional reality that is going to be present upon earth.
This process is something your higher being has gone through, but only parts of that process can be used as there are adjustments needed to move all of human kind and all other beings that are living upon earth, such as plants and animals to be transferred through this zero point into the new dimensional time line;
This is why your higher being is constantly adjusting itself and the choices that need to be made to what it can understand at this moment.
This is a process that is done within alignment with all other beings upon earth as your being is within alignment with all others upon earth.
This is why so many of you have come to feel such a great difference in the way you see the earth and all living beings upon her.
The connection within your own being as it is aligned with all that is upon earth and the earth herself.
At this moment many choices are made based upon what is reality within the human world and what you would like to see as reality within your human world.
Some of you have come to the understanding that choices are made beyond what you can see or understand as a human and have made the decisions that it is needed to let those higher parts take a more prominent role within the decision making.
You are however at times confused as to which part is making the decisions as some of you are not able to communicate with all levels within your being.
This is why we ask you to go within and move deeper within to find more truth, to find deeper levels of truth and find the way to your source within as this is the part that is in full alignment with everything upon earth.
There are many levels within your being as you created many levels when you extended or descended into the 3rd dimensional reality.
This extension or ascension is through all levels and dimensions all the way back to your source being that exists within the source frequency.
As you have been attached within the lower parts of your being into the earth dimensions and have lost connection to those higher parts of your being the way back up is like re-connecting, getting re-acquainted, get the conversation going between the human and everything else that you are as a human in spirit.
This requires work within, bringing your attention within and not just following what is happening within, as to become a conscious creator as a human you need to become fully aware of who is within.
There are constant adjustments needed at this time as your inner levels are aligned to serve your highest purpose as to the path you have set up for yourself in this lifetime. Adjustment can be made faster when every part of your being is in alignment and choices can be made on every level with the human involved.
As it is the human making the final decisions and even though many decisions are made on higher levels, they can only get a hold within the human reality by allowing the human to make the choices consciously.
You might find at times that it seems choices are not clear and choices are made for you on higher levels, and you are allowing that.
It would however make it much easier if you can be a part of what is happening on those higher levels so the choices you make as a human take place immediately instead of having the higher parts leading you towards making certain choices.
If you are involved consciously with all decisions you will become the conscious creator.
Let me give you an example, one of your higher parts has decided you need to move and has the place setup.
If you are involved in these decisions you would know exactly where and when to move.
If you are not involved it will start with a feeling that you need to move, from there you will get guidance on what state you need to move to, and from there you are following what comes toward you as guidance on the city you have to move toward. This involves usually outside guidance from others who will give you clues as far as starting to mention a certain state and or city.
If you were involved consciously you would have skipped these steps and the time it took to get these steps through to your human part and you would have been able to take immediate steps and move to the right state and town.
It is not about giving permission to your higher parts to take control; it is about becoming fully aligned and a full expression of those higher parts as a human.
This is what is meant by becoming ONE.
It is not one part of you taking over, it is you taking control and becoming all those parts to become in full alignment on every level as a human to fully become the conscious creator that you are.
This is what is needed to complete the shift as many of you have chosen to be a part of the preparation and work that is needed to be done to bring this reality into a new level of experience available for each living being upon earth and the earth herself.
You may all think that you can wait for those other parts of you to give you the choices, the directions, and that will be enough to make the changes, but you are forgetting that the changes need to take place within the dimensional reality of the human part of you.
This also requires for you to leave all attachment behind as to what you have learned, belief in and think is the reality at this moment.
What has been done in the past and actions from others in the past can be used but with the realization that the past is not the future as the future is created within this moment.
You have to let go of all you think you should be and become all that you can be.
Once you are able to reach the oneness within you at the highest level all that you think was you, all that you think should be you will fall away and all that you are will become the real you.
We are now at a moment in time where all that is happening is new to each of you and this requires more than just waiting for it all to happen, it requires action to make it happen.
Once you are within full alignment within you and outside of you, reality changes and allows for the universe to give you the flow and support needed to support all your choices as this is what is being used to consciously create the new reality.
You will have to think about this and make a fully conscious choice as to how much you really want to become a fully conscious creator.
You may be sent into directions that go completely against your human belief and this is why we say to release all attachment to any belief.
Becoming a fully conscious creator is not about how loving you can be, or how compassionate you can be, or how much you love the earth and all of the living beings upon her.
It is a about how deeply can you connect within your own being to allow yourself to become your source being fully aligned with everything upon earth and the earth herself as well as fully aligned with all that is within the oneness where there is no separation between you, the earth, the beings upon earth or any other being that is not upon earth.
As this is the moment where decisions need to be made from the highest levels within you to be of service to not only yourself but to all of humanity, the earth and all beings upon earth.
Much of the work is done on spiritual levels and this is another reason to become fully connected and consciously aware of all that is happening within, not just the spiritual levels within your own being, but also outside of your own being.
Your world is created out of energy and changes are made within the energies that result in changes within your physical reality as the physical reality is also made out of energy.
This is where the connection within is needed as you can belief or know about the energies but you also have to be able to experience and see consciously what these energies are.
Experience and awareness on higher or deeper levels within is what brings in the re-connection, the remembrance and conscious understanding for the human mind and heart.
This is the time to take action as the energies are supporting the actions that can be taken to change this reality into a new level of experience.
Are you really willing to follow all that your deepest level swithin are guiding you toward or are you making certain rules as to what your being can guide you toward.
This is also related to belief systems, as many belief system and what you think you know at this moment will change, and change, and change on a continuous basis as you move deeper within, become more conscious within and allow yourself to align and become more and more of the deeper levels within.
Like we said, this is the time to let go of all attachments and this includes teachings, belief systems, knowledge, understanding and ways of how you think you should be or act within this reality.
Time to stop the limitations of the past and allow the unlimited possibilities of the now moment to come in and become a conscious creator from your own source level within in full alignment within the oneness of source.
Allow yourself to move into alignment with all that you are instead of limiting this alignment by attachments that will limit you in becoming all that you are.
Remember that when you make certain choices the universe and your own being move into alignment with those choices, if you limit your choices by attachments, the universe and every part within your being are limited by the attachments you have as a human.
Let me give you a clear example of this, let’s say you hate bananas, but at this moment in time you are guided within to eat bananas as it is supportive of the changes happening within the physical body. Are you going to eat the banana or are you saying, I don’t like them, I don’t want to eat them and you make the decision not to eat a banana.
This is just a small limitation and larger attachments/limitations are limiting more than just a banana.
One of the largest limitations for many is the belief or thought system that something outside of you is responsible for what needs to happen upon earth and within your reality upon earth.
The only faith you need is the knowing and understanding that you are the creators and anything you want to create needs to come from the deepest level within you.
Through Petra Margolis
February 14, 2012