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What are dimensions?

With so much to discuss about the 5th dimension I think it is time we actually understand the dimensions.

I am only going to talk about this universe, but I think it applies to other universes as well.

Our universe is made up of energy; we have divided the energy into certain energy frequency bands or dimensions.

The slower or denser the energy becomes the lower the frequency or you can also slow the movement of the energy. So frequency explains the movement of energy.

The slower or lower frequency, the movement the more physical something becomes within our universe.

But this is not necessarily true for everything.

We have created a reality where we see things as physical, through our physical eyes, when we move back up into spirit and start to see all frequencies, we do not see planets or even the human body, as physical but we see them as energies.

To create a reality of physical seeing we had to adjust a lot of our energies and create a way of being able to see and feel physical.

Not every being has done this, and even if the beings created a reality of physical seeing and feeling, not all did it the same way.

Some kept the ability to see both the physical and spiritual or energies.

The earth and our universe have a natural flow within the energies and the earth and all planets move through cycles, we usually call them cosmic cycles, where we move through different dimensional bands of frequencies or dimensions.

We have done this for a long time and the earth has moved through this as well.

However, we came to a point where we actually instead of moving through these natural frequency bands, became attached to the third dimensional reality of seeing and feeling physicality.

We lost our ability to connect or allow the energies to move naturally and allow us to move naturally within the frequency bands within our universe.

We actually sort of made or created a new reality of dimensions within the natural occurring frequencies or dimensions.

The earth as our home planet and support system for the physical body was in this way part of this new dimensional system we created. I don’t think we forced the earth into this; it was more of a natural occurrence that happened as we became more and more attached to the physical seeing and feeling reality.

This has been going on for a long time though and since we are physically or energetically within our universe moving closer and closer again to a portal within the cosmic spine, we have the opportunity to make changes to this 3rd dimensional reality we have used for so long.

When we look at previous civilizations we see how some of them were more spiritual than others, this is partly due to the fact that we naturally move through these frequency bands and they were able to connect with those higher frequencies, but were most of the time not able to move beyond the 3rd dimensional physical frequency as they were just like us very attached to the physical body.

Or to be more precise, they did not have the knowledge needed to undo the changes that were made to their original spiritual energy that took them into the physical body.

We created a physical feeling and seeing reality by making changes to the original blueprints of our energies. We did this through changes in the building blocks that make up every energy particle within ourselves but also our universe.

We made some very rigorous changes to our original energies to accomplish a reality of physical seeing and feeling.

We did this in several stages so it’s not like we made the changes and bang we were physical the way we are now. We did this in stages over time and adjusted the stages over time. This is why we are having such a hard time now to actually move out of the physical seeing and feeling reality.

As we lost our connection to our own being within spirit, we lost our ability to find out what changes we made and how to undo those changes.

Lucky for us we still move within the natural flow of our universe, and within the natural flow of moving between frequencies or dimensions. So at this time we are moving towards the highest frequencies and this is what allows us to see and experience more of what is our being within spirit, within the energies.

This allows us to start looking for ways of how to undo the changes and actually move out of at least the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension and for some even beyond that into the reality of non-physicality again.

As we created a way into the physical seeing and feeling reality we used the dimensions as far as more or less physical ways of being, but also more or less physical ways of seeing our spiritual parts.

So the lower the dimension, the more physical feeling or seeing. The higher the dimension the more we can see the spiritual world or energy world again.

The 5th dimension is a faster frequency, but is however still a physical seeing and feeling frequency.

What we are doing at this moment is taking most of humanity and moving them into the 5th dimensional frequency.

The problem is that there are too many trying to explain this 5th dimensional frequency as a new reality that is going to be very different than the 3rd dimension.

We want to see changes and we think these changes will come about if we just think they are going to be there.

When we think this 3rd dimensional reality is an illusion and once we go into the 5th dimension it will all be better, we will be very disappointed as it will not be much different than what we have now.

People are day dreaming and bringing out these amazing dreams of how they see the new way of living within the 5th dimension and it is just that, day dreams.

This world is made up of billions of souls, and to change the reality of billions of souls into the dreams some have will take a lot more than the 5th dimensional reality.

Will it be different in the 5th dimension? Yes, of course, there will be a change as far as the ability to start seeing beyond the physical seeing and feeling reality if people wish to do so.

But that can be done at this moment as well, the more you move within, the more you will start to see as you actually move within dimensional frequencies within yourself.

The problem lies in the fact that people are seeing more and are not able to translate the energies yet, or they translate them into a world of illusion, the day dream.

Just moving into a higher frequency will bring in a different feeling and people translate this feeling as being happier, more loving, feeling more one as they have no experience yet within the energies, they translate them according to their human understanding, wishes, day dreams and what they have heard from others as what it should feel like.

Forgetting that each energy particle contains all of source, no matter how low or high the frequency that particle is vibrating in.

So when we look at love, we have love at a 3rd dimensional level, we have love at a 5th dimensional level, but the same is true for hate and anger and everything else. These are however feelings we created to experience and when we look at what they really are they are energy particles that contain everything and they are vibrating at different speeds.

The same with light, becoming more light. What we are doing is reaching higher frequencies, holding higher frequencies. Many are translating that in becoming more loving etc. We are not changing our frequencies, we are holding more frequencies within us, and we are connecting with more frequencies within us.

We are becoming more of everything.

We can choose to be more loving, but people seem to do this by actually sort of throwing away other parts of them, ignoring other parts of them and becoming only certain parts.

Maybe it’s time to just call it what it is, we are starting to hold more frequencies within our physical being. These parts are not more loving or more hate, they are parts of our spiritual being.

Feelings are human creations of energy we use to have human experiences.

And maybe it’s time we start seeing reality instead of creating new illusions of what this reality really is.

We are within a physical seeing and feeling reality, we created this physical feeling and seeing reality upon earth. What happened within this reality, we can discuss that over and over again.

What do we have to do to get out of it?

Find our way back to our original state of being.

Finding our way back doesn’t depend upon how loving and compassionate you are, it depends upon how much of your being can you discover, how much of your being can you hold within you and how much of your being can you understand to undo the changes that made you this physical being.

This is of course my understanding at this moment and this understanding might change within any moment.

This is as far as I have been able to retrieve information within myself mostly from my source being as I am trying to understand how to get out of the place and reality we call earth.

The fall of mankind was not due to the earth falling or some other explanation; we chose a reality of physical seeing and feeling and got deeper and deeper into this reality of physical seeing and feeling.

Yes, we made changes to go deeper and sometimes changes were made by others to make us go deeper or that would prevent us from finding our way back. This doesn’t mean there is no way back, it just means it’s a bit harder to get back.

This all might seem very disappointing and I know a lot of people will say not to worry, just let it happen and everything is already done. To me that is an illusion as we created this reality and now we are creating a way out of it.  How far each of us goes is depending upon our own inner search.

But as I see it people are just going from one illusion into the other as far as how to see the reality we live in.

It is ok to day dream and want to see changes, I am not saying there is something wrong there, but reality is here every time of the day and we can make changes. But reality is here and the changes are going to take some time.

Yes, you have your own choice in how you want to see the reality, but it doesn’t mean the reality around you is changing.

I am sorry but I might get a bit tired of all the messages that tell me I have to be this way, I have to be that way, I have to do this and that.

I think it is time we throw it all in the open and get on to real discussions on how to make change happen.

Instead of all these channels bringing out messages that yes are very supportive at times, but so far I haven’t seen a real change happening.

I even read in one of the messages that we should reach out to others and share our knowledge.

All I see is many channelers posting their messages, a lot not even using their own name and many of them seem to feel  beyond all of us so called chelas reading the messages to even become part of the conversation and share their knowledge instead of only channeling some of it.

Yes of course people are not going to agree with everything you say, but we are all students and teachers. Let’s show that and show up when someone asks a question under a message, become part of the conversation that is happening and share your knowledge.

Everyone is calling for unity.

That is unity, we share all of us, on an equal basis, not the channelers above the non- channelers.

I don’t see unity as connecting up to others and starting to connect energies through the heart or any other place. I see unity as we are all here, we share this reality, we learn in this reality, but we are all sovereign beings that do not need to connect up in the energies as we are already one in many other ways.

I love the way someone said it when they wanted to know when we were going to communicate telepathically and said that they were going to make sure it wouldn’t happen to them as there were some people they really didn’t want to connect with on an energetic level.

I have no intention of connecting with other peoples energies, I don’t think we need to, as to me the most important part is to become whole myself.

How can I get whole if I let others sent in their energy or sent part of my energy to others?

I also see the fear of many where they are in their loving peaceful reality and afraid to be pulled into a discussion that might get heated and people will say things that are considered hurtful etc.

We are all humans, if a small thing like that can get you out of balance, there is a need to become more balanced.

It’s time to take action, if you choose to do so of course, we all still have free will, so no one is forcing you.

It is time we start to understand the real truth and I think we all carry a part of that puzzle so let’s share our parts of the puzzle with everyone so we can get the puzzle completed and really make some change happen.


April 29, 2012

Petra Margolis