At this moment in time I would like to congratulate you on becoming these beautiful beings of light, aware of the new world that needs to be and is already being created.
So many more have become aware because you have become the forerunners of a world that will be free of duality, a place where everyone can be who they need to be as the new world you are creating is void of any duality experiences that were such a great part and are in a way still part of this reality.
But as you become brighter, this world will slowly disappear and become just a remnant of thought within the back of your mind, a reminder of what was and a reminder of how reality can be changed for real.
As you are moving deeper within, are expanding within all that you are will become present within you upon earth. You are all the ones that are the way showers of creating this new reality full of love and compassion.
Seek this new world within you, know this world is already within you.
I am here to support each and every one of you as we are all one and as one I am the love you carry within, as you are the love you carry within. As I am you.
The divine aspects within you that carry my love for you.
This is the time where you seek me, you know I am there, I am with you, I have always been with you, you just had to look and find me.
Now you are creating within these new energies and more of these energies are being brought in as you are all becoming so much more aware and conscious of what the new world is going to be, what the new world needs to be.
I am so proud of all that you have accomplished up to this point as well as what I know you are still going to accomplish.
I am your mother, your father, your god-self as I am the creator of your being, I am your being, I am the source of your being. We are both one.
See the new world with your inner eyes, see the beauty and magnificence of the new earth where all live in divine existence as human beings completely aware of all that is, in perfect synchronicity with all that can be experienced from within you.
This new world that has been planted within you, as the seedlings have started to grow and you have nurtured them with your love and compassion, this new world is now coming to the surface in all it’s beauty.
We know some of you are tired, some of you are weary of all these new energies, the new feelings, the new emotions sometimes.
Know that you have the support from all your guides as well as from within your own being, know that we are always with you as you take the steps into this new reality.
The earth is changing, we can see the light around the earth changing as the density is disappearing within every moment and the clarity of your light is shining through all the veils of illusion that you have been in for so long.
You have all realized that you are not this human body, you are this wise spirit, this powerful and amazing being of light that is now taking your place as you become the new creators upon earth.
It is time to dance with all the beauty that you are, all the light that you are as you dance with that light into the new world. You dance as bright as the stars as you move through the universes as beings full of stars creating the new reality upon earth.
It is your time NOW.
Dance like you have never danced before in the light and embrace the beautiful light that you are.