As you are becoming more aware, able to see more, expand your consciousness, something happens that many do not think or want to think about.
When you think about the times when you were in your light bodies, you can imagine how you were communicating in a way that was completely open, nothing to hide, not being able to hide, as all could see and communicate on an energetic, energy level.
As more people are becoming aware and will connect this way more and more, some things happen that many are not able, or not willing to deal with or accept.
It is like your intuition that you had before, has become multiplied and stronger and you are able to see faster and more easily the real person behind the words and actions.
This is what is happening and many are experiencing the flow of energy and how thought is more easily manifested. This however also results in people connecting with others on a more energetic level. And seeing what is really behind the outwards actions of others.
It also has an influence in healings, attacks and interactions with others. As you are becoming more feeling, more sensitive and aware of the energies of others.
As you have lived as so called separate beings for so long, this is something that takes some time to get used to as it is very uncomfortable sometimes to know that others can actually see right through what you present as your outwards actions as they sometimes do not reflect the more inward thoughts and actions.
Words carry an energy, but this is not always the energy that is really within, as you try to be certain ways, try to think in certain ways, but do not express this really within your energies, as your energies and inward thoughts and feelings are sometimes unbalanced, and or not always in compliance with what you think or should be acting like outwardly.
The thought has to come that if you are interacting with others, energetic levels are part of this. There is a lot going on and many are willing to work on creating a new age, changing the world. The fact is however that every time you do this, you are in a way working with or affecting the energy of others, whether they asked for it or not.
No matter how many times you say, I want this energy to be send out, but only if the person accepts it, just by sending energy to certain places upon earth, you are affecting the energy of others whether they accept or not.
Just by sending energy within the overall consciousness, you are affecting others, you are in a way sometimes forcing others to accept the energies, the changes you have placed within the consciousness.
Now there is nothing to avoid this, as each change within a person’s consciousness will have an effect, and this is part of a natural evolving consciousness of humanity. You have to think however if you are sometimes forcing change or allowing change to happen naturally, by making the change available and allow the ones who feel or need it to take part within the change to accept the change within them at their own pace instead of yours.
One of the other things that is happening is the ability to see through others, like seeing behind the mirror image or pretend image they have put forward. And I know this is a very difficult subject as many are not used to having others see them for real instead of the image they put forward. But if you want to make a change you have to accept and realize that it is happening and in a way hiding your real feelings, emotions and thoughts doesn’t work as they can be seen by others, can be felt by others and translated by others as you are learning more and more how to translate the energy in a way that is more and more accurate with what is really happening.
The one thing you will have to deal with is, the fact that many are saying that you should only see the good in others, but in fact you are all humans and you all have good and bad if you want to call it that, no one is really beyond that, even though they would like to think they are, and would like to present themselves that way to others.
By becoming more aware you do not differentiate between good and bad, you see it all and you should accept it all, as this is who you are.
There is a lot of energy that is being sent out through words, but not only through words. Your energies have expanded and your thought system has become a bit more powerful in manifesting a flow of energy, the effect is that not only the words carry the energy, but the thought behind it, and unconsciously or consciously the energies send behind the words.
This might result in some feeling very uncomfortable as many are already feeling a bit uncomfortable at times within the new energies as you are all still adjusting and are in fact adjusting most of the time to changes within you and around you.
You have to learn how to use these new abilities as I would call them, you have to learn how to use them, as with each new ability also comes a responsibility.
For some where their intuition has always been already very strong, this new way of seeing, feeling and being able to see others might have multiplied. And the question is how you use this way of seeing and feeling.
With this new way of seeing and feeling you are also becoming more sensitive to the energies that are consciously and unconsciously being sent to you by others. And you have to find a way sometimes to deal with this as well, as not all energies sent are positive. There is going to be a learning period for many as this way of feeling and seeing becomes more available for some if they accept it.
Many might also ignore this part as it makes them feel either uncomfortable to think that others can see all of them, and or they sometimes do not want to see what the effect is of the energies they are presenting or sending to others as well.
This is new for many, but for many it might also feel it is something they know deep inside and have known deep inside but it has never come to the foreground much, as it is not something many will talk about as it scares a lot of people if they do.
It is one of the reasons why you should be learning more about energies, all energies and how they work and interact, as this will allow you to make some real changes and not just inward changes but also outward changes.
To create you need to be able to work with and see the energies that are not just all around you, but is all of you as well. And you have to learn the effects of what you do when you start to expand more, start to manifest more, start to experience more as all of it has an effect on how your own energies are flowing.
If you can manifest with thought, you can also send energies, consciously or unconsciously as this sometimes is a sort of an automatic process. When people manifest most of the time they do this with conscious thought, or unconscious thought and manifesting is in fact just moving the energies in certain directions.
But many do not see this part of their manifestation, they only see the beginning and the end, the middle part of how the energies actually flow is not seen by many.
This is why it becomes more and more important to actually see, to actually experience and being able to translate all energies through the human mind, brain and heart working in unison.
In the end it is always your choice, what to accept, and what to see and how to feel.
Just realize that there are more and more who will be able to feel and see and at one point there is no place for any of us to hide from ourselves and or from others.
From one source to another,
Petra Margolis
February 4, 2013