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Energy needs to be moved consciously, this is what the new earth energies are all about. What are many forgetting?

As we have moved through the shift, even though not noticeable for some, changes have taken place. Many people have told me they feel like the energy of the earth has changed and they feel without any clear direction.


Some are just floating in between and finding it hard to get that inner direction.


It is like we have accomplished something, but now we do not know what the next step is.


I have also noticed many still holding on to old beliefs, old matrixes, old systems and thinking the way to change those systems can be done while still having those old beliefs.


Many are holding on to the old thought system that was there before the shift, all that they knew before the shift, they think most of that still applies to this new world somehow.


We even see it in some of the channelings, there is not really something new, it is either a repeat or a continuation of what was happening before the shift, and what was told to us before the shift.


The only difference is that now more are talking about some of the new energies, that we have new creational abilities, there is more love, kindness and compassion.


What is happening is that even though we moved through the shift into these new energies, and yes they allow for a better ability to create or manifest, people still have old matrixes within them, matrixes and belief systems that even though they think the new energies are here, they can feel they are here, they are not ready to fully use them as the old matrixes and belief systems are within their being, their consciousness, their mind.


You can say I have released all that, but saying you have released them doesn’t mean the imprints have been released.


Belief systems are very stubborn, and I have not seen many who were able to completely eradicate them, even though their thought system is different, there is still the imprint within the consciousness. Especially the overall human consciousness. And no matter what, this does influence some of what you think and do.


Belief systems are not just thought systems within your own thought system.


They are embedded within our DNA, in our society, in our consciousness, even within our energy systems.


How many have really worked on clearing all that out?


Most have just worked on clearing it from their mind.


It’s not easy to clear out any of this, and the best place to start is usually within your own being, and even that is something that is not that easy as it requires a lot of guidance within and conscious actions. Not just a thought that says, I am clearing out all of this.


Energy does not really work that way, energy needs to be moved consciously, this is what the new earth energies are all about. Doing the work consciously, not just thought, but conscious action.


How else are we going to learn how to be conscious creators?


This is the age of the spirit, the so called golden age of the sun and our light bodies are in a way fueled by the sun in many ways.


But our light bodies are not always fully present with us, or even outside of us, we have some access to them, we can communicate with some of them, but many are inactive as they have not been used for a long time because of the density within the 3d world.


The energies at this moment feel lighter, I don’t know if many have noticed, it feels a bit more fluid and this is why some are experiencing some things happening faster, maybe manifesting faster.


But many are still doing this from within the old belief system and matrixes.


Even though it is a good experience to see something manifested, most of the time it is not a real conscious experience of really creating it yourself, working with the energies yourself.


And as you start to learn how to work with these energies, these new energies, you have to understand that they work in a different way than the old energies and also it requires some adjustment of how you think.


It requires adjustments within the energy bodies, the physical body, the mind, the brain and even the heart. As these new energies are in a way very different than the old energies from before the shift.


Yes, not much has changed within the overall human consciousness, but this does not mean the energies upon earth are not different. Many have told me it feels more quiet, more peaceful, lighter, but in a way more powerful.


As an energy worker myself I can see the difference, I feel the difference and did go through the process of adjustment to these energies as they affected my way of thinking, way of feeling and working with the energies.


To me it feels for myself I have graduated in a way from the old, and now this whole new world has opened up and it is going to take some time to adjust and learn how to work in it.


But the goal still stands, even though the outer circumstances have changed, the inner guidance is still there, go all the way, learn everything there is to learn in this new world and get to the goal you have set for yourself.



From one source to another

Petra Margolis, md (multi-dimensional)

January 11, 2013