I know we all are wondering what has really changed so I would like to give my perspective as far as I have been involved in what happened before, on and after December 21st.
We all have heard about the new earth and what people saw as a possible ascension of the earth.
The earth is a physical being just like us and a spiritual being just like us.
The being some called Gaia, mother earth, has ascended, gone beyond her physical limitation as being the physical earth.
You can see it like a death of a human, the human body dies, the spirit leaves.
Most of the time when this happens for humans they still stay connected in some way to the physical reality, hence we come back again upon earth in a new physical body. The being that was inhabiting the earth as her physical body did however release all attachment to the physical earth reality and in this way ascended to a place where she is now non-physical.
When the alignment took place a portal opened, actually there were many stargates opening to allow for the earth still occupied with the spiritual being we call mother earth or gaia to move through.
This portal looked sort of like a black hole, with spiraling energy that allowed for the physical earth to be pulled through.
Not just the earth but the entire universe seemed to be pulled in and through coming out at the other side of the portal.
It was not easy and when I went in the portal, the earth herself was still there and it took some time to really push through. The feeling was going through the eye of the needle.
During this process, when coming through the portal out on the other side, Gaia, Mother Earth, was released from her attachment to the physical earth and ascended upwards into her own spiritual being.
Once this had happened, the new earth, or new earth energies were waiting on the other side of the portal to take her place, to move into the earth. This new energy is what I would call the new earth, or new earth energy, specifically created, birthed, aligned for this new period of creation we are now experiencing.
This new energy holds all the views of what we see as possibilities for new realities upon earth and more.
The reason many feel somewhat of a disconnection with everything is mostly due to this process of where the new earth energies took the place of the old earth energies. The support that everyone had from the old earth energies is not there anymore and the new earth energies will not support in that way anymore.
Many have lifted themselves up, not by doing the inner work, but by using the energy of the earth. Many did not do their own clearings but dumped their stuff into the earth.
This has changed and each and every person will have to do their own work if they choose to do so.
The new earth energies are about possibilities and for us to make changes; they are a support system for those changes, but not a personal support system like the old earth energies.
The whole date about December 21st was for us to move into the upwards spiral of evolution, but not just that. The movement of earth through this alignment allowed for us to skip a couple of steps and in a way disconnect from the old timelines, allowing for new timelines to be created.
This is part of why many feel the time or perception of time is somewhat changing. Some say that time is not moving linear anymore but vertical. This is partly true, in fact time is going out in all directions. You can see it like the rays of the sun going out in every direction, shining on every possibility and allowing for each possibility to be explored.
Does this mean changes will take place fast?
Not really as the changes are dependent upon the human consciousness and this consciousness is changing but as far as I see it not really in the direction we want at this time.
All you have to do is take a look at the worldviews and beliefs that are around the world.
There is a massive growth of male domination that is taking place at this time and the female energies are yet again on their way to be dominated by the male energy.
Can we do something to change that?
People are waking up, but most are waking up to an illusion that is being presented, an illusion of the amazing places in spirit that we can have access to.
It somehow reminds me of a song I heard, “Pure Imagination”.
"Pure Imagination"
Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three
Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanna change the world?
There's nothing
To it
There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanna change the world?
There's nothing
To it
There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be
This is what is being presented by many who spent time in the spiritual world, but many who do that and give us those amazing views and experiences are not realizing that these worlds of imagination are what they are experiencing at times.
Many are just dabbling in their own created spiritual reality, and yes that can be amazing and full of wonderful things, but they are no comparison as to what is happening within the earth reality, or even the real spiritual reality.
This world is what it is, it is a world of duality, and this will never change.
What can change is the belief systems, the way we interact with each other and how we view our reality upon earth.
This is what will bring the changes, but as far as I see it at this moment the direction we are going in is not really the one we want to see. But that’s just my view on it, as I cannot see into the future where this direction will take us.
As more people awaken I feel the direction can change but only if we are truthful as to what is happening on earth for real, not the delusional views that some have of being in this amazing place, accept it, learn from it and this is why you’re here to experience the hardship that you are going through. Just as long as you experience it with an open heart, be loving and kind and compassionate, grateful for what is happening.
That is not really the way the world works and we all know it, let me give you an example I got from someone from Cambodia firsthand. We actually asked him about religion in Cambodia and he said they used to be mostly Hindu, but more and more, Buddhism came into play and it weakened the country.
This was his view, Buddhist say, come on in, oh you are going to kill my family, go ahead, I will not stop you. Someone from the Hindu religion would say, you are coming here to kill my family? I will defend myself and kill you first if I can.
In this way the country gets taken over by another stronger force, maybe they will ban Buddhism, force people to take on their religion, freedom has gone out the window.
Yes at one point people will stand up against it, it happens as well, but how long that will take we don’t know.
This is taking place and has taken place time and time again.
That is reality, as it is still happening.
What the new energy within the earth does, the movement upward again in evolution, it allows for more people to get glimpses of what they truly are, spiritual beings, but this will not work if we give them hope that the world is going to be amazing, but no one knows when that is going to happen.
Hope is nice, but hope as we see from the passing of December 21st, brings us nowhere for real.
Hope doesn’t bring real changes, we will have to do some work to bring real changes, and this requires us to see the truth for what it is and not fool ourselves with the amazing realities some are presenting as those realities are not earth realities at this time. Yes, they might be glimpses of a future to come, but we all know that futures can change and not one future reality that is being presented to us is the complete reality.
We are after all the creators of this reality and as creators we can start dreaming about what we would like to see as a reality. But this can only be used as a guideline maybe, as the future is not yet created in a way that is fully the reality of the future.
If we look from outside time, we can see that everything is in place, but somehow we still have to work through the energies as we are within time and this is what allows us to make changes, make a difference as to what the future outcome will be.
You can see it this way, we have a goal, but over time as we move and work towards that goal, the goal can be adjusted to the overall needs and we set a new goal each time we do this.
The upward spiral takes us automatically into a different upwards frequency in a way, but this does not necessarily mean that all will move in that direction.
Everything that happens is dependent upon the human consciousness as a whole, this is what needs to be, or I guess has to change and this is one of the most difficult tasks of all.
Changing the human consciousness requires us to be honest with ourself and others, we have learned from the past, we have knowledge from the past, many that will come in have their own knowledge from the past, and I am not just speaking about this lifetime.
We have to see the earth reality for real, not through the rose colored glasses of a reality we create for ourselves within the spiritual realms.
We came here, and more will come here to be part of this change.
As I see it the goal is to bring back once again full consciousness, maybe even living within lightbodies upon earth, the way we came here the first time.
But this is going to take time, and I think this is going to be a more personal journey than it was before. As many, including myself came here to assist the earth. That part is now over, the change within the earth has taken place, the earth being we called Gaia or mother Earth has been released from duty so to speak.
Now it is our time.
Time to take care of our own business, our own path, standing on our own feet, taking care of what we need personally as a spiritual human being.
From one source to another
Petra Margolis
January 7, 2013