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The Sphinx Speaks Entrapment equals you are all trapped within this reality

The difference is the darkworker doesn’t care, the lightworker, well that remains to be seen.


This is what is happening, the incarnation process upon earth was created over time, but once created it meant that everyone incarnating upon earth was trapped within this process, or at least everyone incarnating within the human body.


And not just upon earth, as the earth reality spans throughout your universe. So every being within your universal reality is trapped within this reality, the incarnation process of humans is just a part of this reality at this moment.


Like we said the difference is that the ones responsible for this entrapment do not care, they have entrapped themselves within this reality as well.


The process of entrapment has taken many different routes as to what it is at this moment, as the entrapment was not done within one process.


In the beginning they left openings for themselves and realized that these openings could be used by others, so the only way to keep control was to entrap themselves as well.


This doesn’t mean there are no openings, but the openings are only known to a few and some of those have been entrapped within this reality so much that they forgot as well.


Nothing can ever be fully closed off, but over time this reality has been closed up to a point where even the so called darkworkers cannot find their way out.


The question is do they care? Not really, this was done to control and as long as they have the control it doesn’t matter. They do not want to leave this reality and will act in ways to prevent everyone from even finding out where these openings within your matrix are.


This includes the many false openings as once we release this message many will come out and tell you they have found an opening.


What they think an opening is, is nothing more than a portal within the matrix, within your reality and the portal only leads back into your reality.


What many of you think or see within your reality is nothing more but the matrix as your universe reality is a closed reality, meaning that whomever you connect with within your reality is at this moment within this closed reality and many of them are just like you not capable or have not found their own way out.


There are some exceptions of course but discernment is yours.


This means that many of the energies coming in are coming from within this reality and this reality alone. Some come from the dark, some from the light. Some have been preprogrammed within the matrix etc.


Just like your human body is a complex system, the matrix is even more complex as you do not have full conscious awareness of what is within the matrix and how you are all connected into the matrix.


This has nothing to do with how you are as a human being at this moment, how you act or more appropriately behave as a human being.


You are in a way all running your separate programs on one large computer that has the ability to run interference within your program as well as to implant viruses within your program and much more.


The computer allows you to run your program as long as it is within certain parameters set out by the program that is running the large computer.


It is a very intricate web of programs and the program on the large computer is what allows you to run your own program within this reality.


The control is not just by the dark but also the light as each one has their own controlling ways of acting within this reality. Some consciously, some unconsciously, but still controlling.


The change you are waiting for can only be accomplished by finding your way out of this reality matrix, and this is where you are being interfered with as well, through the matrix and control systems and many will not find their way out.


Is there a way out?


There always is.


Will you find it?


Maybe you will, maybe you won’t.



The sphinx speaks

October 1, 2014

Petra Margolis