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Are they really serious?

Last night the Masters came to me and asked me to join them in a meeting.

When I arrived I noticed there were many people there and a lot of them were channels of the Masters.

The discussion was about if it was time for the Masters and many others to stop their channeled messages.

We were all part of this discussion and the biggest part of the discussion was about why it would be time now.

The reasoning behind it was that it is time for many more to start sharing their knowledge from within and if they were channeling the Masters they would not share their own knowledge.

It is time, they said to start working on a personal basis with many more, but the messages and assistance is going to be on a more personal level than it is to be meant to share with a large group.

One of the other reasons was that we are coming closer to the galactic core and the energies closer to the core are thinner and of a higher frequency than what we are adjusted to and higher than the frequency most are going to be staying at from now on.

This will have an influence however on our physical and energy bodies as it will be harder for many to concentrate and actually translate the messages.

As many have decided to move into the 5th dimension and most of the channels are focused on this adjustment, there is not much more the Masters can say about what is going to happen as the process of change is now on our hands.

They are sort of passing the Baton and have us use our own knowledge that we have gathered to work on the change we see needed as humans on earth.

This was a big discussion as many do not feel ready to take on this responsibility without having the Masters convey their messages.

It was explained that the guidance is still there, but the knowledge that many have is more than enough to complete the last stage.

Much of the messages were already coming more from the channels than the Masters, as they told us.

It is however a lot scarier to put a message from yourself out there, than a message from the Masters and this will be very strange for many in the beginning.

Some will stop and just work on an inner level with all the changes, and others will step up and share more of what can be done to make the change.

Another fact that was being brought up by some of the Masters was that there are many channels at this point that have been compromised.

This is the time where we take charge for real, we still have help, but the help has to come from within us.

A time where we start looking for the real information as there already has been some out there but most of it is ignored by the masses of lightworkers.

The question that was asked was can we look beyond the system of reality we live in and change it.

How are we going to do this without the help of the ones that have more experience and are able to see beyond the limitations we have as a human being.

The Masters, but not just the Masters, also the Archangels, Angels and many more beings that have been assisting us up till this point are saying that we have a choice and the choice has to be made by us.

They have guided us so far and will still be guiding us individually as needed.

But it has come down to a point now where each human has a choice to make as far as what the reality is going to be and the attachments to outside information and guidance has become a distraction for many.

It seems that a decision has to be made, but it will take a couple more discussions to get this done as many seemed to be very scared to give up the messages and the feeling of safety it gives them to be able to give and or read those messages.

The last question that was asked was if there is still a need for messages, as some are still waking up. Can they use the messages that are already out there as timeless messages and can we shift the focus that is on the messages to a focus of inner work and outer work that is needed at this moment.

Would it be more useful if the messages are coming from us humans, our personal experiences with what has happened and is still happening at this time?

It would still be confusing as many have different experiences and different views, but it would be more real than messages from beings that many cannot see and the questions always remains if those beings channeling the messages are real or not.

Experiences and knowledge from us humans will be more tangible as they are coming from humans, no matter how different they are.

The question is what would assist more people in waking up, really waking up and not just go with the flow but actually assisting in waking up themselves and others through what they know, their own knowledge hidden away within them.