This evening watched the movie the Dark Crystal from Jim Henson again. My daughters both watched it with me, one is 15 the other is 6 and they both loved it and understood the story.
I have always been very open about energies, dark and light and spirit life as I know it.
If you have not seen it, or it has been a long time, I suggest you watch it again. The similarities between what is happening now is amazing.
The merging of our earth with the new earth, the merging of dark and light and the oneness that it becomes is amazing. I don’t see any other way to describe it. You can all see the picture on the top of the newsletter, in the movie there is a similar picture, but even more expanded and I was given more information during the movie of what is happening and still is to happen.
The main point of the movie is the dark crystal, controlled by the so called skepsis, sounds a lot like sceptics. It has a beautiful purple light color. The other side, the mystics have been harboring a gelfling, sounds a lot like earthling. The Dark Crystal is missing a shard. Like we feel we are missing something. When the shard, sounds a lot like heart, is returned to the crystal, the skepsis and mystics become one again.
“ There is much to be learned and you have no time.”
Ask what the Great Conjunction is.
The Great Conjunction is the end of the world or the beginning. Hm.
The Great Conjunction is where the three planets come together, three suns.
If we look at our sun right now, this ball of fire, this was how our own earth started in the physical body. one ball of fire. This ball slowly turned into our earth.
How did that happen? I was shown that when Source imploded, this ball of energy became into being. Source energy vibrating at a different levels, different frequency. The ball that became our earth was vibrating at a very high speed, but many different frequencies, which can be seen as the ball of fire. The inside of the ball was the hottest part but also the part that was pressed together the most with all the different frequencies around it. The core part of energy started to slow down and became our core crystal.
At one point, when the earth energies has slowed down enough, The earth was still just energy, so what we think of as a core crystal is energy vibrating at the crystalline level. The earth didn't become fully physical until many beings had been living on it and the arrogance somehow created a split within the beings itself, creating dark and light, good and bad, doesn't matter what name you give it. This resulted in slower denser frequencies of the beings living upon earth, which has the effect on earth, the earth slowed down in frequency and became more and more physical. By physical we mean energies that have such a slow frequency we see them as physical.
Now part of it is controlled by the so called skepsis, the other half is controlled by the mystics.
At this time it seems the skepsis are in control of the dark crystal, our earth and everything else. But the mystics are working on bringing back the oneness, something the skepsis will prevent with all means. The control they use is fear, they also use the crystal to suck the life force out of each being. Sounds like the planetary grid to me.
The one thing almost all are connected to that makes you stay in fear and seems to suck the strength out of you to even fight it sometimes.
Now the Gelflings, are different then the skepsis and mystics, they are just the representation of light and dark. Two energies becoming one. The Gelflings are the ones bringing them together.
Yesterday I was told to start some new activations and I think this has to do with what was shown in the movie as well. I was too tired last night to fully understand all that I wrote down yesterday. I haven’t been able to sleep much and don’t go to sleep until 4 or 5 AM most of the time. This is mostly due to the heat that is within my body that prevents me from actually falling asleep. The process our earth went through to become physical, is the process I am going through but then the other direction, becoming non-physical. This is a strange feeling and sometimes even scary, I tell you, I experience it one night that it seemed my whole body had disappeared, not just disappeared; there was nothing there just me experiencing it. I actually got scared and had to move the body to feel if my heart was still beating. Normally when I lay quiet that is the one part that I still feel, the heart beat within me. This time even that was gone and it was scary. I know now it’s the beginning of returning to oneness.
“ There is much to be learned and you have no time.”
This is the truth, and this is how it feels to me many times, I feel like running out of time, and there is so much to know and learn before I can fully complete the Diamond Body.
As we work on both process we also begin the awaken the Diamond consciousness, the connection to both crystalline grids allow for further expansion of the Diamond Consciousness.
The experiences will be different for each person as we all know. The one thing that it brings to all is the capability of more fully understand, and being consciously aware. It will allow you to further explore what it means to be in Live and Light, but the most important thing is what it means to be in oneness.
We have all been taught to be Love and Light, but as I understand it at this point in my awareness it’s not about Love and Light, it’s about oneness within ourself.
Within Source there is no Love or Light, these are still human conditions being placed upon us until we can fully move into the oneness, where all fear has disappeared, love and light has disappeared, and only the oneness remains.
Petra Margolis