It is that time of the year again for our special for December, the 12 days before Christmas where we will have a meditation each day starting on December 13 and ending on December 24.
On each of those days we will move into specific past lives to bring back with us the gifts and abilities we used within those lifetimes.
Each of us have many different gifts and abilities and now is the time to return them to us, as we move into a more awakened state of being.
These gifts can be anything from healing, psychic abilities and more.
We all have them and the 12 days of Christmas is where we move into our own past to retrieve them.
These are very powerful meditations and bring a lot of joy and awarenes into our spiritual journey.
These workshops will be every evening for 12 days at 22:00pm EST starting on Wednesday December 13 and ending on Sunday December 24.
The cost for all 12 days is $ 99.00
If you would like to join but cant be on the call, recordings will be available after each evening and will be send to you each day.