Shortly into the new year the Holy-Day of the season is that of Epiphany (which means “insight”)–lasting from January 6th to January 17th (12 days). The Holiday of Epiphany commemorates the major insight or “Divine Revelation” experienced by the “Three (pagan) Wise Men” or “Magi” who were able to foretell (through the use of astrology) the birth of the Christ Child.
The Holiday of Epiphany is unique in that it is traditionally referred to as an “Octave Holiday” or the “Octave of Epiphany.” An Octave Holiday is generally a Holiday that follows another Holiday specifically for the purpose of raising the vibrations of the earlier one to a whole new level–the way a musical octave takes the previous musical note to a whole new level/octave. This means that the Holiday of Epiphany is meant to take the vibrations of the Christ within to an entirely new level.
In general, during the Fall and Winter seasons, life seems to fall into a slumber and mankind’s outer perception turns inward, away from the physical world–although most people are unaware of such spiritual subtleties. At this time, the soul is organically compelled to feel, navigate, and experience its own depths. To do otherwise, is to not be aligned with nature–which is one of the reasons for seasonal related illnesses–such as colds.
On these Twelve Holy Days/Nights of Epiphany, we are given a chance (unsurpassed by any other days of the year) to step up and create a new life. It’s part of the magic of birthing a new self, combined with the timing of starting a new year. But the twelve Holy Days/Nights also have their own sort of magic or power. You see . . . Christian Mystics know how to combine the Holidays with cosmic or planetary symbolism and alignments to further attune themselves with zodiacal forces released upon the earth and into the consciousness of mankind. Mystics (past and present) know that each of the Twelve Holy Days/Nights relate to one of the twelve Apostles and are under the direct influence of one of the twelve zodiacal Hierarchies–each projecting its cosmic ray through our planet and into our twelve energy centers.
The magic of this time-period dates back to a time, long before Christ.
The ancient Ptolemaic calendar is based on a 365½ day orbit of the Sun.
However, some early cultures followed the Moon phases as their yearly calendar. But the Moon calendar does not fit into the solar year. Instead, a lunar year is made up of twelve full-moon cycles, which are 354 days. This is twelve days shorter than our solar year–which is then a difference of twelve days between the two calendars.
Our Twelve Holy Days & Nights could be referred to as these “missing” days/nights. But during this time, the moon forces are absent on the Twelve Holy Days/Nights because the 12-cycle lunar year has ended, which means the forces of the sun are unopposed. So, the sun is at its physical weakest but is cosmically at its strongest. During the lunar 354 days of the year, the sun simply shines down upon the earth and upon us to give us life–in the form of light and warmth. But during the unimpeded Twelve Holy Days/Nights, the spiritual energy of the Sun shines, not merely on the earth’s crust nor on our skin but instead shines into the heart of the Earth and into our hearts and souls.
The cosmic rays of the Sun call to the heart of the earth (and of mankind) to arise and awaken from our spiritual (and Winter) slumber. It’s as though it’s granting us twelve wishes–each related to one of the Holy Days/Nights and to one of the 12 zodiacal signs. And since each of these Twelve Days/Nights are a microcosm of the coming twelve months, whatever we focus on for these twelve days will determine the general theme of the next twelve months. Again, whatever we give birth to during the Twelve Holy Days/Nights will live on for the next twelve months.
During these Twelve Holy Days/Nights, it’s as though instead of the rays of the planets beaming their energy out toward our planet, it’s more accurate to say that there are rays streaming forth from our hearts and souls toward each star, planet and constellation–“placing an order” from each as to what we choose to experience from them for the next twelve months.
If we choose to use the Twelve Holy Days & Nights of Epiphany as a means of activating the highest level of initiation and awareness, then we have to move through each of the days with as much consciousness as possible. This means being consistent with our spiritual practices and seeing to it that our internal and external environment is kept as clear and loving and balanced as possible. In other words, it means creating sacred space inside and out. Remember, these Twelve Holy Days & Nights are a microcosm of the macrocosmic twelve months that will follow.