So why choose to pursue Cosmic Ascension?
As said before, planetary ascension happens automatically for everyone...eventually everyone is universally that way...for some, it happens over a long period of time, for others, it happens rather quickly seemly quite accelerated like now. However, Planetary ascension is not the end of the does not take spiritual evolution far enough to merge back into Source-ness as is the bigger picture of the Divine Plan.
After planetary ascension, you are not at a level of Mastery to contribute to the creative aspect of life. You are still subject to the forces in place within creation. During Cosmic Ascension, you are working to reach a level of Mastery of Self through the progression of higher vibrational frequencies so that you can become Co-Creators of reality on all levels, all dimensions...until eventually you are ready to become a Creator of a new cosmic day. Unless one consciously chooses Cosmic Ascension, there is less freedom, and little unlimited-ness reached during the physical experience on planet Earth.
Cosmic Ascension is the matter of raising the vibrational frequency in order to begin the process of strengthening and rebuilding the light body needed for ascending beyond the level of the physical ascension. This is where greater awareness
and abilities needed to continue to ascend into the higher dimensions become available and known. There are a number of check-points and balances in place to assure your readiness for each level reached. Along the journey, you become more and more Masterful in your creative abilities as you work your progressive way back towards Source.
You see it is much like the Earth school. Planetary Ascension is like elementary through High School levels of education where the basics are learned. Each level of education brings you closer to Self Mastery on the planetary levels of ascension. Cosmic Ascension is more like the University levels...where you obtain even greater Mastery with each degree level reached...
A Bachelor's is the basic beginner's level of Cosmic Ascension. The Master's is a more advanced degree moving into the level of Co-Creator. Finally, the Doctorate Level is where one practices the Mastery until becoming a Full Creator and Source.
Whatever level of evolution reached in Planetary Ascension- one major point remains true; you will not pass beyond a certain point (ring pass not) due to your vibrational frequency and will always be subject to the affects of your external and internal realities. Only when pursuing the path of Cosmic Ascension will one evolve and work towards the level of Co-Creator and eventually Creator and Source of All that is.
There is little written and widely known of the Cosmic level of Ascension. All information and guidance written in the past was specific for those times... Now, are different times, the energies are moving much faster, all rules have been removed, and you are urged to let go of all former guidelines and beliefs. Now is the time to begin to trust and follow the higher guidance coming from your Higher Self, the Ascended each the energies are in constant movement ...changing, growing, and expanding, rapidly.
Before recent events, few people reached the threshold of Cosmic Ascension. The vibrational frequency of the Planet was not high enough to support it. Only planetary ascension was reached when evolution progressed at very slow rates- and that was appropriate for those the collective consciousness on the planet and amongst humanity was not very evolved. This is why most you know to have achieved ascension in times past are said to have taken lifetimes to reach it. The circumstances fit the times in which they lived.
As long as attention is focused on those ancient means and ways to achieve ascension, many may become detained and distracted by those outdated teachings and may miss the current opportunity for a fast progression gifted to us now...from God/Source.
Furthermore, it is imperative for humanity to remember, discover, and to learn to access their higher Selves, the Ascended Masters, and the planetary hierarchy who are waiting to assist you reconnect to God/Source directly without any outside influence. This way each individual receives direct guidance that is exact and perfect for their individual needs.
Nothing could be finer and more important than is your divine right....know that nothing stands between you and God/Source-accept those higher evolved aspects of your being appointed and created by God/Source for the purpose of service of the Plan by serving You on all levels and dimensions.
God/Source is here- everywhere-You are no longer needing to go anywhere to reach God/Source. Open up your body, the heart, open up your mind- let go of all thoughts, interpretations, fears...let go of all of the old ways- Ask your Soul, higher Self, and spirit to guide and lead you to reconnect with God/Source.
Ask God/Source to reveal its' Presence, its' vibration- so you can recognize on the feeling level of your being when God/Source is present and surrounding you. Allow your Soul and Spirit to show you how to receive God/Source...along with all of the kingdoms, dimensions, galaxies and universes...all that God/Source Creation is. Are you ready to know on all levels that "YOU ARE THAT"? God/Source will help you know it. Breathe, Relax, and Let go more and more. There is nothing between you and God/Source except what you bring to the experience.
You see, God/Source has come to you at this time...take note that you are not asked to give up any aspect of your physical being, to leave the body or anything else on the material reality. All you have to do is open the door and invite God/Source inside your heart. All the misunderstandings have misled so many and caused so much confusion. Now you know the truth! True Cosmic Ascension becomes complete when we successfully integrate every aspect of every form and formless nature of creation into the One heart and this integration process is what returns everything back to Wholeness as the one God/Source. Sounds simple and easy, however, it is a choice and it is also a paradox, too.
It is completely up to each individual...use your Free Will Choose Cosmic Ascension or remain in the limitedness of your present state of being. What choice will you make? And also to know that the process could take you all of eternity to decide, to start, as well as to complete Cosmic Ascension... or you could achieve it with the blinking of an eye! It is all up to you.
Check in with your four bodies...bring your complete awareness there...see what is coming up for you? Do you see and feel the fear that is held within the physical, emotional, and mental bodies that affects the spiritual body? Everything that is held onto and kept within prevents you from receiving more light...and from experiencing God/Source except from a distance. Do you want to know how to invite God/Source into your Being?