Tag: #lightbody

Awaken to Your Inner Self

even a storm can guide the way

Advanced Lightbody Work

Advanced Lightbody Work is a series of activations to assist in activating, Clearing and healing more of your spiritual energies. 1.ACTIVATIONS and Recalibration Activates dormant Light Language receptors and recalibrates Metatronic energy flows. This floods the etheric body with Light Reconnects you more fully to your Oversoul (Higher Self) Recalibration of 5th through 13th dimensional…
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reflections are a part of clearing

Activations and Body Codings

You will be given Activations and Body Codings to effectuate very specific shifts to your vibration. This will make you magnetic to opportunities for deeper fulfilment and true prosperity. The activations effectuate clearing and reprogramming at deep levels. All limitation with regard to your relationship to money. Distorted beliefs that keep you in lack, and…
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Clearing & anchoring of the Light Bodies

Clearing and anchoring of the Light Bodies connected to the physical body. Never before has humanity been ready for this transition to seek the higher dimensions of reality. You have but to seek the light inside yourselves to understand your divinity and God-given right to achieve the higher realms of Ascension and evolution! This is…
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