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Has anyone ever wondered about who the Galactic federation is, and who do they work for?

Has anyone ever wondered about who the Galactic federation is, and who do they work for?


There is a lot of info out there that seems to be interlinked with each other.


Now the fact there are galactic federations, I can see that, it is just that many are using the word galactic federation as sort of a way to tell us they are here to help and guide. But some of them also give us information on how they have worked on certain situations upon earth and things as arrests and all that of the dark.


Doing a bit of searching on the internet, there are many websites out there; in this message the Annunaki are named as the bad guys.


According to Sheldon Nidle, there are several different races that are part of the GFL, one of them is called The Procyon star-nations.

They are according to this page: Two types of sentient Beings. The first is a pure Lyran-Sirian humanoid type. As on Sirius-B, they are either blue- or white-skinned and are fully conscious. Amphiboid-Reptoid hybrids are slightly taller than humanoids and have green-, brown- or blue-colored skins.


They became a member according to this website 3.5 million years ago.


As we look at the Lyran-Sirian something interesting is going on.


I found this website



...Are the Lyran, Sirians and Anunnaki the Same?

If the Lyran and Sirians are in fact referenced as the Anunnaki, then would Enlil and Enki be equivalent to Lyran and Sirian An Una Ki = An + (A)na + Ki = God +Goddess+earth = gods and goddess of earth = male and female rulers of earth.

In The Prism of Lyra the Sirians (Enki) are depicted as interfering with the plans of a Lyran group (Enlil) that were trying to create a species that was to have no knowledge of good and evil.

The Prism of Lyra states that the Lyrans and Sirians, who had worked together in the creation of humans, the primitive workers, disagreed philosophically concerning their creation. While the Lyrans (Enlil) wanted to create a species devoid of the knowledge of polarity - or of "good" and "evil" - the Sirians (Enki) saw that humans could not evolve spiritually without this knowledge.



Royal and Priest point out that Enki in the Sumerian texts is sometimes portrayed as a serpent - an evil serpent - and that perhaps this was a ploy by Lyrans to keep humanity from following the instructions of the Sirians who were attempting to help humankind. Royal and Priest imply that it was the Sirian group (Enki, Serpent, Satan) that encouraged Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of Knowledge in the story of the Garden of Eden, as contained in the Bible.

The Sirians (Enki) may have been at least temporarily thwarted by the Lyrans (Enlil) in the Garden of Eden, but it seems that the Sirians (Enki) had the last laugh.



According to The Prism of Lyra, the Sirian group inserted a latent DNA code in humans:

The code is triggered by an accelerating vibration that occurs when a civilization begins to evolve spiritually. As Earth accelerates toward self-awareness and fourth density (which is occurring presently), the code is activated. Once activated, the human race unwinds its limited vision like a coil until the expanse of 'All That Is' becomes visible.



Now we also have this story

based on The Cosmic Code: The Sixth Book of "The Earth Chronicles"

by Zecharia Sitchin


Events Before the Deluge


450,000 years ago

On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet's atmosphere erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.

  The Sumerian Gods

Nephilim), to Enlil's growing annoyance, marry the daughters of Man.


The "accursation of Earth" - a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth . Cro-Magnon man survives.


Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil, enraged. plots Mankind's demise.


Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth's proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave, Enlil makes the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind.


You can read more here


See the time discrepancy as the first website is already talking about a pure Lyran-Sirian being 3,5 million years ago, but the other one has a time line starting only 450 thousand years ago.


Now seems this message is by Sirians as they end in saying something in the Sirian language.


I also noticed how this message seems to me from different beings.


“Your Agarthan brethren await your reunion with them, and so the time comes for action!”


And then suddenly it the energy seems to change and it seems that another being or being is taking over the message and says:


“Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Around this beautiful world of yours a great rise in consciousness is taking shape.”


Another part within the message here says:


Nearly 900,000 years ago you arrived on this world fully conscious and ready to do your part in maintaining this most sacred world.


But according to the website the GFL was created millions of years ago.

Just a couple of quick searches and I still cannot figure it out but it seems to be important as we seem to have so many discussion at these particular channelings.