Forgiveness and Cosmic Healing

Awaken to Your Inner Self

Forgiveness and Cosmic Healing

Forgiveness and Cosmic Healing is a very powerful series of forgiveness and healing; these are clearing of all that is not needed.

Many think we need lifetimes to clear, but it can be done very simple through the guided meditations in this series.

You can do them all or just pick the ones you think you need at this time,

Forgiveness and Cosmic Healing:

  1. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Mother.
  2. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Father.
  3. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Family.
  4. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Friends.
  5. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Jobs, Bosses and Co-Workers (past and current).
  6. Forgiveness and Karmic Healing Around Your Spouse, Partner and/or Sexual Partners (past and current).
  7. Forgiving and Letting Go of the Past.
  8. Forgiveness for YOURSELF and Your Personality Issues.
  9. Forgiveness Around Your Inner Child and Wounded Children.
  10. Forgiveness Around Your Body and the Ways You Treat Your Body.
  11. Forgiveness Around the Ways You Sabotage Yourself.
  12. Healing for Emotional Armoring.
  13. Forgiveness Around Your Relationship with Spirit and GOD.
  14. Forgiveness Around Your Pets.
  15. Healing for Shame, Pity, Guilt and Blame

Forgiveness and Cosmic Healing

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