Buddha Cosmic Clearings

Awaken to Your Inner Self

Buddha Cosmic Clearings

you can see through the forest

Buddha Cosmic Clearings is a series for Clearing, Healing and Releasing many emotional and mental interferences within our belief systems.

We grow up believing and integrating many beliefs that are not our own.

The Buddha Cosmic Clearings are very good in Clearing, Healing and Releasing these belief systems that don’t belong to us.

You will release them from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.

Buddha Cosmic Clearings

  1. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Low Self Esteem/Self Love/Self-Acceptance and Worth from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  2. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Fears, Phobias and Superstitions from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  3. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Sadness, Sorrow, Grief and Bitterness from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  4. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Despair, Depression and Hopelessness from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  5. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Lack and Scarcity Consciousness from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  6. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Anger, Rage and Resentment from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  7. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Stress, Anxiety, Tension and Worry from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  8. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Judgments, Attachments and Expectations from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  9. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Self Sabotage and Limitation Beliefs and Programming from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  10. Clearing, Healing and Releasing the Lack of Trust, Confidence and Believing in Yourself from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  11. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Hatred, Apathy, Prejudice and Intolerance from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  12. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Disappointments, Confusion and Congestion from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  13. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Lust, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Envy and Materialism from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.
  14. Clearing, Healing and Releasing Impatience from Your DNA, Cellular Memory, Past Life and Genetic Archives and Memories Held in the Brain and Minds.

Buddha Cosmic Clearings

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