Category: Enlightenment Activations

Awaken to Your Inner Self

as above so below

Advanced Mastery Profiles

As a divine dispensation of Grace, the Creator has created a crash course in enlightenment for masters who have been promoted up to begin working on their cosmic ascension process as well as completing their planetary ascension service work.  The Creator wanted all of these sessions to be transmitted at the same time since many…
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Enlightenment Activations meditations

Align with GOD: This session helps you to align with God/Creator. The trigger word for this after ordering this session is”I now align with GOD” and used whenever you need to. Antahkarana Activation: An activation from GOD to help you to build the rainbow bridge of light to connect your personality with your soul. Ascension…
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climb to the top

The Black Pearl and Blue Lotus activations

At the time of the the Black Pearl and Blue Lotus activations I wrote this down. The Black Pearl consists of five activations. The Blue Lotus has two activations. These activations are very powerful activations. And I am not saying this lightly. I have gone through these activations myself while I was teaching a workshop.…
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