Crystalline Grid Alignment

Awaken to Your Inner Self

Crystalline Grid Alignment

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Planetary Crystalline Grid Alignment

There are seven major crystalline grids on the planet set up for the ascension of Earth.

Three of them are less than three years old and were activated to support the emerging Heart Paradigm on Earth.

Although the primary purpose of these seven grids is to facilitate the evolution of the planet.

These grids can also be accessed and utilized by highly evolved souls.

To propel them forward in accomplishing their planetary service work and contracts with Spirit.

Solar/Galactic Crystalline Grid Alignments

There are solar and galactic grids set up on the planet that contain the key codes for mastery and spiritual evolution.

Aligning with these galactic grids helps to awaken spiritual gifts and to move into your planetary service work and ascension.

Prerequisite is Planetary Crystalline Grid Alignment.

Cosmic Crystalline Grid Alignments

The cosmic series of crystalline grid alignments help people who are working on their cosmic ascension.

It helps people tap into the power of the universal, multiverse and omniverse crystalline grids.

Which are aligned with the central suns at the universe, multiverse and omniverse levels to promote cosmic ascension and cosmic world service.

Prerequisite is the Planetary , Solar/Galactic Crystalline Grid Alignments

VOID Crystalline Grid Alignment

This series of crystalline grid alignments originates from the VOID.

And at this time is available primarily to people who are bringing in the new energies.

And templates and structures of the heart paradigm on Gaia.

People who would benefit from this activation are healers brining in Heart Paradigm healing modalities.

And spiritual teachers bringing in the new emerging consciousness.

Prerequisite is the Planetary, Solar/Galactic and Cosmic Crystalline Grid Alignments

Crystalline Grid Alignments, Level 1, 2 and 3

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