Tag: #activations

Awaken to Your Inner Self

the future is bright

Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence, Diamond Consciousness

The Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence or templates of the dodecahedron geometry represent the 12 divine attributes. Emanating from within the God- Seed of our essence. Each of us is a particular expression of the mystery we call God. 12 times we will enter the mystery of that consciousness and draw forth the essence to…
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the dark is part of the light

Stairway to Heaven

The stairway to Heaven is an initiation ritual that was used throughout time to enter into the light body and become one with all that is. Meaning the physical becomes one with the spiritual. This is a step-by-step journey into the body of light and is done through five initiations. The knowledge for these initiations…
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Activating the luminous rainbow bodies

Activating the luminous rainbow bodies, these bodies are activated through several parts of the lightbodies. This is a complete activation of the rainbow lightbodies and will start running the rainbow energies through you in a way that they can be used by the physical and energy bodies for healing, clearing, transmutation and more. This is…
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Activating your luminous rainbow bodies

Activating the luminous rainbow bodies, these bodies are activated through several parts of the lightbodies. This is a complete activation of the rainbow lightbodies and will start running the rainbow energies through you in a way that they can be used by the physical and energy bodies for healing, clearing, transmutation and more. This is…
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reflections are a part of clearing

Opening of the 7 seals

After removing the J-seals for some time now, I have received the information that it is time for  the Opening of the 7 seals that are still within us. There has been a lot of information through the bible about the 7 seals that reveal the story about what is going to happen during the…
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you shine bright

Munay-Ki Journeying Soul Retrieval

Munay-Ki Journeying-Soul Retrieval: The Soul’s Path to Freedom Munay-Ki and the Laika This is very much related to DNA activation , powerful healings, Awakenings of ALL, and so MUCH more. “The munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means ‘I love you.’ The munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of…
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see the path


The Activations for Ascension sessions are the next level of the Ascension Mastery Activations that will help people to realize the “GOD” within themselves. The following Activations for Ascension sessions are all about connecting to one’s GOD presence within. Bringing that energy or force through our vehicle for its divine expression. As we do this,…
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you have a clear view of who you are

Holy Spirit Shekinah Healing/Activations

Holy Spirit Shekinah Healing and Activations. Gifts for you from the Divine Creator that will heal you. Infuse you with divine qualities and empower your divinity with the Creator of all Creators. Soar  into the heavens and brings these gifts down here to earth where they are most needed. Let yourself be guided into the…
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