Tag: #consciousness

Awaken to Your Inner Self

the future is bright

Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence, Diamond Consciousness

The Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence or templates of the dodecahedron geometry represent the 12 divine attributes. Emanating from within the God- Seed of our essence. Each of us is a particular expression of the mystery we call God. 12 times we will enter the mystery of that consciousness and draw forth the essence to…
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the future is bright

Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence, Diamond Consciousness upgrade

The Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence or templates of the dodecahedron geometry represent the 12 divine attributes. Emanating from within the God- Seed of our essence. Each of us is a particular expression of the mystery we call God. 12 times we will enter the mystery of that consciousness and draw forth the essence to…
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