Category: Blueprint Activations

Awaken to Your Inner Self

all energies are within you

Divine Blueprint, integration and activation

Divine Blueprint, integration and activation allows for lower frequencies to be released. As we bring in the higher consciousness that allows for us to reach our own ascended master consciousness. We will be able to integrate more of our ascended master consciousness. The Pleiadian star system is where we will be traveling to find assistance…
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the future is bright

Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence, Diamond Consciousness

The Twelve Temples of Emerging Essence or templates of the dodecahedron geometry represent the 12 divine attributes. Emanating from within the God- Seed of our essence. Each of us is a particular expression of the mystery we call God. 12 times we will enter the mystery of that consciousness and draw forth the essence to…
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feel the energy of nature

Activations with the Kabbalah and your Blueprint to Source

Activations with the Kabbalah and your Blueprint to Source. Within each and every one of you is a blueprint. This blueprint contains the knowledge and mysteries of this cosmos as well as your spiritual plan with the Creator. Your spiritual plan is the map you and your Monad work from. The Map contains the lessons…
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