Mystery school of Thoth, temple initiations

Awaken to Your Inner Self

Mystery school of Thoth, temple initiations

you shine bright

Teachings in the temples of Thoth, initiations into the mystery school of Thoth.

“It is time for me to share with you the mysteries of the cosmos and how to master them as a co-creator with GOD.

I will provide you with the necessary initiations to raise you to the vibratory levels necessary to receive these gifts, teachings and training.

Many have trained in my mystery schools in Atlantis and Egypt and mastered this knowledge.

Now in this age of Aquarius, I am opening the doors to my school once again for you and others to receive this knowledge and training.

Once you accept these mastery sequences you become a student in my school for a lifetime of teachings.

That will raise you to great mastery levels to support your service mission to the light. We are all one.”

Some of the initiations into the mystery school of Thoth include

  1. Temple Initiation (varies from individual as to which temple)
  2. Initiation into the Divine
  3. Initiation into Self
  4. Aligning Will with the Creator
  5. Initiation into the Emerald Tablets
  6. Initiation into the Book of Thoth
  7. Golden Keys to Mastery
  8. Golden Keys to Ascension
  9. Initiation into the Doors of Mastery
  10. Initiation into the Process of Infinite Expansion
  11. Initiation into the Book of Creation
  12. Removing the Veils of Space, Time and Illusion
  13. Transcending the Limitations of the Zodiac
  14. Transcending the Limitations of the Human DNA
  15. Transcending the Multidimensional Veils
  16. Initiation into the Book of the Sun
  17. Initiation into the Halls of Wisdom
  18. Rebirth
  19. Expansion and Awareness of All Probable Realities
  20. Harnessing the Energies of the Universe for Mastery

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