Tag: #chakras

Awaken to Your Inner Self

we can see the truth

Chakra clearing and balancing

Many think that Chakra clearing and balancing needs to be a long time work as many teachings have taught us. It is not needed to go through every little bit of negativity that has been building up within each chakra. More important is to find a balanced state of releasing any blocks of negative emotions.…
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we are all one

Change Chakras into Elektrons, completing the connection

Changing Chakras into Elektrons is important as it brings in a full connection within the chakras and makes them spin like one. Once all twelve chakras are inside the physical body, we can then change the chakras into electrons. Why change into Electrons? Electrons are important for bringing the Crystalline body into physicality. And what…
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you are the flower

Reclaim and return the love, power and wisdom crystals

 Reclaim and return the love, power and wisdom crystals within our 7 chakras within the physical body. In each chakra there are three crystals, the crystals of power, wisdom, and love. As we move through life and we encounter and exchange energies between people we occasionally leave some of our crystals behind to others. Because…
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we can see the truth

Chakra clearing & balancing

Many think that Chakra clearing and balancing needs to be a long time work as many teachings have taught us. It is not needed to go through every little bit of negativity that has been building up within each chakra. More important is to find a balanced state of releasing any blocks of negative emotions.…
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