Tag: #lightbodies

Awaken to Your Inner Self

Activating the luminous rainbow bodies

Activating the luminous rainbow bodies, these bodies are activated through several parts of the lightbodies. This is a complete activation of the rainbow lightbodies and will start running the rainbow energies through you in a way that they can be used by the physical and energy bodies for healing, clearing, transmutation and more. This is…
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Activating your luminous rainbow bodies

Activating the luminous rainbow bodies, these bodies are activated through several parts of the lightbodies. This is a complete activation of the rainbow lightbodies and will start running the rainbow energies through you in a way that they can be used by the physical and energy bodies for healing, clearing, transmutation and more. This is…
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You are the light

Part 3 Building the Foundation of our Cosmic Diamond Body.

This new series will start rebuilding the energy within the physical body and spiritual bodies from the earth level up to the highest level within. The highest level that can be reached is Source. The importance is in the fact that we have the opportunity to rebuild our way back to our origins as we…
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the pathway to your inner soul

Part 2 Bringing in the basic building block circles pyramids for the Flower of Life

Building the Original Flower of Life within our spiritual and physical energy bodies and build the foundation of the Cosmic Diamond Body with the physical and spiritual bodies. As ancient knowledge shows us, everything within us and around us is built out of sacred geometry building blocks. During this new series we are going to…
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you are as bright as the stars

Part 1 Bringing in and activating the Large Pyramids within the physical and spiritual body

Bringing in and activating the Large Pyramids within the physical and spiritual body to activate the next level of change to support the transformation into our ascension bodies. We are going to work on the placement of the Larger Pyramids in the physical and energy bodies. This is a series of 5 meditations where we…
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bridge over water

Accelerated Ascension

These FIVE series for Accelerated Ascension  will get you where you need to be, physically, spiritually, and energetically to start the building of the Diamond Body for Ascension. The first one is Accelerated Ascension. With these meditations we will get you up to speed to the energy frequency within earth and beyond. This is a…
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even a storm can guide the way

Advanced Lightbodies Work

Advanced Lightbody Work is a series of activations to assist in activating, Clearing and healing more of your spiritual energies. 1.ACTIVATIONS and Recalibration Activates dormant Light Language receptors and recalibrates Metatronic energy flows. This floods the etheric body with Light Reconnects you more fully to your Oversoul (Higher Self) Recalibration of 5th through 13th dimensional…
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bridge over water

Clearing and anchoring of the Light Bodies

Clearing and anchoring of the Light Bodies connected to the physical body. Never before has humanity been ready for this transition to seek the higher dimensions of reality. You have but to seek the light inside yourselves to understand your divinity and God-given right to achieve the higher realms of Ascension and evolution! This is…
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