Month: June 2021

Awaken to Your Inner Self

you have a clear view of who you are

Ascension through death aliens and more

Planetary ascension is normally not done through death or help from aliens.  As you have worked on your process of becoming one within.  And you do not choose to further your progress in becoming a light body on earth. Or you are not able to complete the process of Cosmic Ascension before your time of…
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as above so below

J-seal, Jehovian Seal removal

The removal of Jehovian Seals or J-Seals removal has been an especially important part of my work.  These removals were an experience by itself for me and the participants. By doing this we restore the human body back to the way it was in Lemurian times, this allows for the original 12 D divine blueprint…
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follow the path

Enlightenment, Ascension Mystery School

Many people ask me how to join our Enlightenment, Ascension Mystery School. Everything in our store is the path I have followed, and my students have followed. We are on the path of Cosmic Ascension, meaning full ascension into a Lightbody and moving out of the incarnation cycle of earth and this universe. We are…
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you are the rock

Ascension, we all use different ways to describe it.

There is much that can be said about ascension and we all use different ways to describe it. There are many different ways of ascension. Let us define what ascension used to be defined as. We will take one example that most know of and has been written about. Jesus, he was laid down in…
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clearing through water energies

Planetary Ascension, how to complete it.

First we would like to explain what Planetary Ascension can do for you. Planetary Ascension is where you raise the physical frequency of the human body to a 5th dimensional frequency. This will assist you in living more clearly from the heart center.  You will be more balanced within the 3rd dimensional frequency.  Starting the…
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You are the light

Blue Light Star System as seen in the Sedona Journal

Blue Light Star System, 7th dimensional healing can be used the same way as the Reiki energy. It is a faster way to release negative energies that are still blocking your body from really entering into the new frequencies. You can work on the emotional, physical and spiritual. This can take people that are still…
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the river flows in your direction

Awakening and Healing, Physically and Spiritually

After teaching for a long time, I have learned that Awakening and Healing, Physically and Spiritually is a process that takes interaction.  It is a process between our human spirit and all of us that is not within this human reality. It requires healing of the human as well as our spiritual parts within the…
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nature is perfect

5th dimensional frequencies and Ascension

At this moment there are many confused messages going around.  These messages do not really explain or present the meaning of ascension and the shift into the 5th dimensional frequencies. There are many different forms of ascension, specifically personal ascension and the so-called mass ascension. Let us talk about the mass ascension first. As this…
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