Tag: #cosmic

Awaken to Your Inner Self

all energies are within you

Divine Blueprint, integration and activation

Divine Blueprint, integration and activation allows for lower frequencies to be released. As we bring in the higher consciousness that allows for us to reach our own ascended master consciousness. We will be able to integrate more of our ascended master consciousness. The Pleiadian star system is where we will be traveling to find assistance…
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You are the light

Part 3 Building the Foundation of our Cosmic Diamond Body.

This new series will start rebuilding the energy within the physical body and spiritual bodies from the earth level up to the highest level within. The highest level that can be reached is Source. The importance is in the fact that we have the opportunity to rebuild our way back to our origins as we…
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you are as bright as the stars

Part 1 Bringing in and activating the Large Pyramids within the physical and spiritual body

Bringing in and activating the Large Pyramids within the physical and spiritual body to activate the next level of change to support the transformation into our ascension bodies. We are going to work on the placement of the Larger Pyramids in the physical and energy bodies. This is a series of 5 meditations where we…
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bridge over water

Accelerated Ascension

These FIVE series for Accelerated Ascension  will get you where you need to be, physically, spiritually, and energetically to start the building of the Diamond Body for Ascension. The first one is Accelerated Ascension. With these meditations we will get you up to speed to the energy frequency within earth and beyond. This is a…
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clearing through water energies

Advanced Clearing and Protection

Advanced Clearing and Protection is a great package to do on a regular basis. We have two sets, one for Planetary and one for Cosmic. Advanced Clearing and Protection Planetary is for regular 3D to 5D clearing and protection. Advanced Clearing and Protection Cosmic is for everything beyond. Much of our energy bodies exist in…
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you can see the top of the mountain

Ascension Activations for Cosmic Ascension

This is a series of Ascension Activations for Cosmic Ascension that will greatly assist you in your path toward ascension. We are on our way to complete cosmic ascension in this life time and the masters and all the light being, and light groups out there are assisting us in as many ways possible to…
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many paths to follow

The Twelve Rays Cosmic Ascension

The Twelve Rays for Cosmic Ascension spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Overlighted by the Twelve Directors at a Multi-Universal level. They move through each preceding dimension until they enter our solar system. Furthermore, during the first Harmonic Convergence, between August 15-17, 1987.  And the unprecedented Light activities experienced at this time. …
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we are all one

Change Chakras into Elektrons, completing the connection

Changing Chakras into Elektrons is important as it brings in a full connection within the chakras and makes them spin like one. Once all twelve chakras are inside the physical body, we can then change the chakras into electrons. Why change into Electrons? Electrons are important for bringing the Crystalline body into physicality. And what…
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